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發表於 2017-3-4 04:15:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Rustom SeegopaulThe condition in which Hubert Thomas Alexander found Noelina Medor’s residenceHubert Thomas Alexander, the man left as the guardian of Noelina Medor, the elderly woman who was recently found in a house in Craig, has approached the media to tell his side of the story.Alexander is claiming that Sylvester Medor, Noelina Medor’s son, needs to recompense him for the time and money he spent looking after the elderly woman. Alexander claimed that Noelina Medor is his godmother, whom he used to visit regularly whenever he would make trips into town from the interior as a young man. Acting on a dream which he apparently had where he saw that Noelina Medor was not doing well, Alexander said he went in search of the elderly woman.In the dream, he said, Noelina Medor told him that her ex-husband and some other persons were mistreating her. Alexander said that he first checked Lot 12 James and Hogg Streets, Albouystown,Chris Paul Wake Forest Jersey, the house in which he used to visit Noelina Medor when he was a child.The state in which he found her was atrocious, he said. She was apparently on her own, surrounded by her own defecation, rotting food and empty boxes and bottles. Noelina Medor is originally from St. Lucia and she had travelled to England with her new husband and her son, Sylvester Medor. After spending some time in England, the decision was made to migrate to Guyana. Noelina Medor apparently gave her son the option of accompanying them. He refused.He was left in the care of his aunt when his mother departed to Guyana with her husband.According to Alexander, Sylvester Medor told him that he had always held it against his mother that she had left him in London and travelled to Guyana with her lover.Alexander said that when he had cleaned up Noelina Medor and the apartment, she told him that her ex-husband, whom she had divorced in 1997, was coveting the property at James and Hogg Streets.According to a court order, the property was given to Noelina Medor, as it was said that her husband had deserted her. For some reason, the deed to the property was not transferred to her name.In the property, there are a few apartments which are occupied, along with a barber shop and a bar on the bottom flat of the building. These are rented, and Alexander said that when he saw the elderly woman in such a bad state,Reggie Miller College Jersey, he asked her why she was living like that. She apparently told him that her husband had put his own people in place and they were collecting the rent.The man who collects the rent is said to be the son of the elderly woman’s ex-husband, as they carry the same last name.Alexander said he confronted the man and was told that Noelina Medor was ‘miserable’ and did not want to be cleaned. Upon hearing this, Alexander said that he took it upon himself to care for the frail old lady.Alexander said that he was made Noelina Medor’s legal power of attorney, and would represent her and fight for her rights, as concerns the property.He added that he concentrated his efforts at raising the elderly woman’s standard of living.He said that he checked with the Deeds Registry which said that the court order which declared that the property belonged to Noelina Medor still stood. He said that he then consulted some lawyers to see just how much it would cost to have the deed of the building transferred into her name.Not wanting to return the elderly woman to the house in the bad state it was in,JuJu Smith-Schuster USC Jersey, and not wanting to leave her alone, Alexander said that he made arrangements to have her temporarily housed at the Palms, while he did some renovations to his home so that he could accommodate her.Sylvester Medor returned to Guyana last year November and was reunited with his mother, who was still at the Palms.Alexander said that he explained to Sylvester Medor that he was in the process of renovating his home to accommodate Noelina Medor.Alexander said that he also ascertained exactly how much the house was worth and the estimates came up to $7.1 million. At this point in time, Alexander claimed that he made contact with Sylvester Medor, who was in England and who indicated that he was unsure as to when he could travel to Guyana.After this, Alexander said that he sent another letter, and included the valuation and other details of the property, which he claims, he told Sylvester Medor,Junior Seau USC Jersey, is his mother’s assets. Shortly after this letter was received by Sylvester Medor, he responded to Alexander and said that he would be in Guyana soon, and requested Alexander to arrange hotel accommodation.Sylvester Medor apparently agreed that his mother would stay with Alexander, and that he (Sylvester) would send money to pay for her food and other miscellaneous expenses. Alexander passed the property through a Deed of Gift to Sylvester Medor.Alexander reportedly told Sylvester Medor that his mother would require 24-hour attention, and that as he and his wife were both working, they would not be able to provide that level of care to her. The solution he said was to pay someone to look after her while they were at work, and then they would take over when they got home from work.Alexander said that Sylvester Medor promised to send money on a monthly basis, but did not live up to his end of this bargain.Alexander said that the estimated costs,Cheap Jerseys, which he provided to Sylvester Medor, for caring for the elderly woman, including a caretaker, food, and adult diapers, and other miscellaneous expenses came up to approximately $90 000 monthly. Apparently Sylvester agreed to this and said he had no problem.After this agreement had been made,Ryan Boatright College Jersey, Sylvester Medor returned to London. Alexander said that only after Sylvester Medor returned to England did the money become a problem. Alexander also said that Sylvester Medor told him that he spent a large sum of money on calling the lawyer who was arranging the transfer of the deed of the house.The Deed of Gift was then apparently retracted by Alexander who said that Sylvester Medor’s priorities were not in the right place. He said that Sylvester Medor’s priorities should have been the well being of his mother and not the property.Alexander continued that he does not know if Sylvester Medor tried to contact him,Kareem Abdul-Jabbar UCLA Jersey, as he was in the interior working. However, Alexander noted that he is presently speaking with his wife, but that they are not living together.When pressed as to why she claimed ignorance of his whereabouts, Alexander said that the reason his wife did not disclose his whereabouts to Sylvester Medor and the police was because he (Alexander) had given her specific instructions not to tell anyone where he was.Alexander also noted that he had no problem in giving Sylvester Medor all access to the property and to his mother, but said that first he needed to be paid for the time and money he expended looking after the elderly Noelina Medor.

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