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-as 12 Amerindian villages draws down on $5M fundTwelve Amerindian communities have started to receive funding to kick-start projects geared to improve the livelihood of its residents.The projects include poultry rearing, village shops, aquaculture, cattle rearing,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, cassava production and cash crops.According to a government statement on Tuesday,wholesale jerseys china, the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs (MoAA); the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Project Management Office in the Office of the President, have announced that the first set of funds has been disbursed to Amerindian communities under the Amerindian Development Fund Project.Funds disbursed to the Amerindian fund come from the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF), a multi-contributor trust fund for the financing of activities identified under the Government of Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).According to the statement, the Amerindian fund project is expected to benefit approximately 180 communities and is being implemented in two phases.“Phase I of the project will provide 27 communities with funding of up to $5M each for the development of a community-based and led initiative or business investment. Twelve of the 27 communities in this phase of the project have received disbursements to begin implementing their Community Development Plans (CDPs).”The Amerindian communities would have developed their CDPs over a number of months. These were ratified by “consensus or majority vote at village meetings.The statement explained that prior to the disbursements; MoAA and UNDP invited representatives from the communities to travel to Georgetown to participate in a workshop held over two days from March 22, last to discuss the projects.“Subsequently,jerseys nfl wholesale, MoAA and UNDP coordinated with various Government agencies (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Department,NFL Jerseys Supply, National Agriculture and Research Extension Institute, Guyana Livestock Development Agency, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission) to undertake field visits to the selected communities, an exercise that began on April 17 and is still on-going.”According to the work plan, in the coming months,cheap nfl jerseys, the combined project teams will continue to engage the remaining communities in Phase I, facilitating the disbursement of funds to these communities.“Concurrently,cheap nfl jerseys online, the project will produce outputs that will benefit Phase II, including a functional and scalable disbursement mechanism, key lessons learned and implications for the Phase II operational plan.”The GRIF was established in October 2010, with the World Bank as Trustee,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, following an agreement signed between Guyana and Norway in November 2009, in which Norway agreed to provide Guyana up to US$250 million by 2015 in performance-based payments for avoided deforestation in support of Guyana’s LCDS.

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