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發表於 2017-3-4 06:01:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police yesterday remained baffled by the gruesome killings of two women and a man, whose bodies were found near the Kitty seawalls and at Turkeyen and Annandale within a five-day span.Alicia AliDetectives are also taking note of the fact that two of the victims—29 year-old,cheap nfl jerseys china, Ramesh Katarnauth and 14-year-old Alicia Ali—were both apparently beaten before being drowned.Police had initially suspected that the 14-year-old Campbellville Secondary School student had taken her own life, after finding a suicide note in her bedroom on Thursday. In the note,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, which appeared to be addressed to Maylene Williams,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, the teen’s mother,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Alicia Ali accused her mother of restricting her movements. The teen also reportedly stated that by the time her mother read the letter, she (Alicia) “would be dead.”But a pathologist who conducted a postmortem on the teen’s remains yesterday gave the cause of death as asphyxia due to drowning, compounded by compression injury to the neck and blunt trauma to the head. Kaieteur News understands that the pathologist found no evidence of sexual assault.Some investigators have suggested that Ali may have wandered to the seawalls in her suicidalRamesh Katarnauthstate and encountered someone who killed her. They have questioned several people, including a boyfriend of the slain schoolgirl.Ali’s body was discovered on the seawall near Annandale, East Coast Demerara on Wednesday. She was last seen by her mother, around 20:50 hours on Tuesday, when she left her home to go to a nearby shop.An official said that detectives are looking at “all possibilities,” including the similarities in Ali’s murder and that of Sandy Babb Street, Kitty resident Ramesh Katarnauth.A postmortem showed that Katernauth died from asphyxiation due to drowning. He also sustained injuries to the neck and blunt trauma to parts of the body.Katarnauth reportedly left home around 21:30 hours on Saturday to buy a pack of cigarettes but failed to return to his 83 Sandy Babb Street,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, Kitty, home.Yesterday, police were still trying to identify the woman whose dismembered remains were found on the seawall near Annandale,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, East Coast Demeara.The woman’s body minus the head, feet and arms, was discovered by a resident who was about to bathe his dog at the location.The clothing,jerseys nfl wholesale, a blue brassiere and a red skirt, was rolled up around the midsection of the corpse.There were bloodstains and tooth fragments not far from where the body was lodged between the rocks.A religious artifact and a blood-stained rice bag were also discovered some distance away, yesterday morning.According to investigators, the woman’s body appeared to have been dumped there recently. There was also conjecture that she had been butchered at the foreshore.

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