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New York – (New York Post) – Police have finally identified the most vicious of the “motor psychos” — the man who allegedly ripped a driver out of his car and beat him in front of his family after a wild chase on the West Side Highway,Boston Red Sox Bobby Doerr Jersey, The Post has learned.Reginald Chance, 38, of Brooklyn, has lawyered up and is expected to surrender by Friday, according to two law-enforcement sources speaking on condition of anonymity.Chance is the top target from Sunday’s shocking motorcycle road rage attack, an assault that left Alexian Lien,Texas Rangers Ian Desmond Jersey, 33, pummeled and bleeding on the pavement as his wife and two-year-old daughter cowered in their black Range Rover.Video taken by the helmet-mounted camera of biker Kevin Bresloff shows Chance allegedly committing the bulk of the violence once Lien’s Range Rover is forced to a stop near 178th Street.Bresloff, 37, of Bellport,Baltimore Orioles Frank Robinson Jersey, LI,Texas Rangers Nomar Mazara Jersey, had his camera rolling as Lien’s car is surrounded by revving motorcycles and as Chance removes his chrome-colored helmet and uses it to bash the driver’s side window.Just before Chance allegedly pulls Lien from the car,Chicago Cubs Jorge Soler Jersey, Bresloff’s video abruptly ends — turned off, cops say, so as to avoid creating an incriminating record of the ensuing assault.Cops aren’t buying Bresloff’s claim that his camera “accidently” shut off, another law enforcement source said.Chance’s Facebook page says he is from Guyana and that he works as a driver and supervisor for Bimmy’s sandwich shop in Queens.Meanwhile, newly surfaced videos and photographs,Toronto Blue Jays Darwin Barney Jersey, taken at the scene of the attack by neighbors and drivers, could incriminate other bikers — including some who told cops they were not involved in the attack.One new photo, which ran on The Post’s front page Thursday,Chicago Cubs Willson Contreras Jersey, has become key evidence contradicting the claims of several bikers who had previously claimed to cops they were not involved, a source said.Meanwhile, mayoral hopeful Joe Lhota blamed the stop-and-frisk crackdown for so impeding cops that outlaw motorcycle gangs are able to rampage freely.“These anti-police laws have had a chilling effect among the NYPD,” the Republican candidate told The Post Thursday.Recent City Council action and a ruling by federal Judge Shira Scheindlin — both hamstringing cops in the name of fighting racial profiling — have “emboldened criminals and made us less safe,” Lhota said.“We have seen an increase in shootings, rapes and in the past few days a horrific attack on a father in front of his family and five people stabbed on the Upper West Side,” Lhota said.“These anti-police laws have had a chilling effect among the NYPD,Toronto Blue Jays Justin Smoak Jersey,” he added.Democrat Bill de Blasio, meanwhile, has urged that cops visit motorcycle clubs and talk to bikers.“We have to be very tough on this one — this is an unacceptable state of affairs,St. Louis Cardinals Roger Maris Jersey,” de Blasio said.

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