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As Government moves to strengthen its procurement process for medicine for its health institutionsPublic Health Minister George Nortonacross the country, the new administration has started meeting with its suppliers to sensitize them about the requirements.The event, at Regency Suites on Wednesday,Texas Rangers Russell Wilson Jersey, was geared to bring more transparency to the sector, Government said yesterday.Speaking at the event,New York Mets Travis dArnaud Jersey, Minister of Public Health,St. Louis Cardinals Trevor Rosenthal Jersey, Dr. George Norton, pointed out that this undertaking is in keeping with Government’s promise to allow greater transparency, and to be accountable to the Guyanese people.“Today’s activity also represents the fulfillment of yet another campaign promise made by this Government to break the monopoly of the pharmaceutical supply chain that was created by the selective tendering process,Boston Red Sox Bobby Doerr Jersey,” he said.Further, the Minister stressed the importance of allowing a variety of bidders to have the opportunity to deliver on the demands of the various sectors. He pointed out that it is Cabinet’s desire to create a “level playing field.”“The responsibility of the Ministry is to provide whatever clarity is needed and to ensure at the end of this session there is a full understanding of what is required…I therefore wish to assure you that with this tender process of procurement of pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies,Detroit Tigers Cameron Maybin Jersey, all bidders will have an equal opportunity to submit a tender, and once they meet the requirements incorporated,St. Louis Cardinals Brandon Moss Jersey, they are in for a favourable response.”Several presentations,Baltimore Orioles Ubaldo Jimenez Jersey, including one by the Ministry’s Food and Drug Department, were also done on the various aspects of the procurement process.Representatives of the Medical supply companies at the forum.The procurement of drugs was a big problem for the previous administrations of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) after Guyana learnt that for more than a decade,Los Angeles Dodgers Brett Anderson Jersey, one company,Boston Red Sox Jackie Bradley Jr Jersey, New GPC, received the majority of the contracts for the medicines and other supplies, to the tune of billions of dollars. Other suppliers had objected, but little had been done to allow other pharmaceutical companies to have a fairer chance.The Coalition government, while in Opposition prior to the May 11th General elections, vowed to bring sweeping changes to the country’s procurement process, including the establishing of a procurement commission.

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