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發表於 2017-3-4 14:52:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After a delay of close to two months, Baby Dakota, the infant son of an American woman who was sent back to her homeland last October after undergoing psychiatric treatment, will soon be reunited with his mother.The child, who was delivered a few days after his mother wandered into Guyana, received the relevant documents from the local US Embassy which allowed him to travel to the USA yesterday.He was taken to America by a local Child Protection Officer who will hand him over to the Children Services Agency in Miami.The child was rescued by the local Child Care and Protection Agency in October last, after his mother, Delicia Honore, 37, was found wandering around the capital city, mere days after his birth.The woman arrived in Guyana on September 27 on a one-way ticket in an advanced state of pregnancy and was allowed by local Immigration personnel at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport,Vic Beasley Jr Falcons Jersey UK, Timehri, to stay for 90 days.During that time, she racked up unpaid bills at a few local hotels until she delivered her baby at the New Amsterdam Hospital.She was subsequently picked up outside the United States Embassy in Georgetown where she was seen wandering with her four-day-old baby.At the time she was broke and had nowhere to stay. The baby was reportedly dehydrated, but thanks to the intervention of the Child Care and Protection Agency (CCPA), the child was rescued and taken for medical care.Her parents had praised the local CCPA for taking possession of the infant.The woman’s parents, Anita Honore and Francis Richardson, who reside in Louisiana,Dave Robinson Packers Jersey UK, USA, believe that the step that was taken by the Protection Agency was timely.“I’m glad that they took that step, because I know she was incapable of taking care of that child…That wasn’t a good idea for her to wander around with a small,Antonio Brown Steelers Jersey UK, infant child like that. She couldn’t take care of herself much less a baby. The Child Protection Agency knows how to take a child and protect it; that’s what they do, and they make sure the child is taken care of well,” Anita Honore had stated.“That’s the best thing, because I don’t know what she was gonna do with an infant just rolling around like that; they do need care,Rob Gronkowski Patriots Jersey UK,” her father Francis Richardson had added.Yesterday,Tyson Jackson Falcons Jersey UK, Honore’s aunt,Steve Grogan Patriots Jersey UK, who also resides in the USA,Devonta Freeman Falcons Jersey UK, told Kaieteur News via telephone that it is likely that baby Dakota will be reunited with his mother soon.“Delicia is happy that this is happening. She wants to have her child. She is very stable now. She has been to two job interviews,” the aunt said.A senior official from the local Child Care and Protection Agency informed that before the child is handed over to his mother, it is expected that the Americans will carry out an evaluation to determine her ability to care for him, given what had taken place in Guyana.“She is a lucky person. If we did not take the child, he might not have survived to be with her now,” the official told this newspaper.Kaieteur News understands that the US Embassy provided the baby’s documents last week, enabling him to travel to the USA.“It was not our intention to keep the child in Guyana. He has no connection here… no biological connection that is. His birth record is here,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey UK,” the official stated,Ra Shede Hageman Falcons Jersey UK, adding that ‘Baby Dakota’ was given a clean bill of health by a local doctor.

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