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發表於 2017-3-4 16:00:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Mohamed Wadikar Ally,O.J. Simpson USC Jersey, called “Dick”, 39, the fisherman of Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice who was indicted on the charges of attempted murder and wounding with intent,Wake Forest Demon Deacons Jerseys, was on Tuesday sentenced to seven years in jail by Justice Brassington Reynolds. The victim was Ann Singh called “Snowie”.Mohamed WadikarHe wounded the mother of his children on March 31,Cheap Uconn Huskies Jerseys, 2009 at Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice. The judge had ordered a probation report after the mixed jury had earlier found Ally guilty on the count of attempt murder.The report which was read by Senior Probation and Social Service Officer Floyde Rudder stated that the accused was the last of 13 children. He dropped out of school in the fourth form. He lived for most of his life with his siblings since his parents migrated when he was 14.He did various jobs,Troy Polamalu USC Jersey, including trading,Junior Seau USC Jersey, and subsequently migrated to Canada. He was deported from Canada in 2004.He established a relationship with the virtual complainant in 2005 and they made two children. However the report highlighted that the relationship was full of abuse and the accused eventually became an alcoholic. They separated on a number of occasions and a restraining order was eventually placed on the accused in 2009.Despite this he continued to harass and stalk the virtual complainant and was charged on a number of occasions with various offences including threatening behavior and assault,Chris Paul College Jersey, and appeared in the magistrate where he was sentenced to various penalties of three to six months in jail and fined $10,000. He was also bonded to keep the peace the last occasion was May 2012.Earlier defence Attorney at law Sasha Roberts of the legal aid department, who made a belated appearance on behalf of the accused,Matt Leinart College Jersey, had made a passionate presentation to the jury. She concentrated her presentation on the fact that there was no evidence that linked her client to the injuries to the virtual complainant. She stated that there were no eye witnesses, neither was any weapon presented in court.In her plea of mitigation, the attorney at law asked the court to be lenient, stating that her client was very remorseful and expressed his regrets for what happened. He admitted that some mistakes were made and would seek counseling for his bad habits. He hoped that Singh would forgive him.State prosecutor Attorney-at-law, Dionne Mc Cammon had recounted the evidence given by the virtual complainant Ann Singh.During the trial the prosecution called five witnesses including Ann Singh. Singh had stated in her evidence that on her way home on the day in question she was in a minibus. The accused was also a passenger. During the journey there was some misunderstanding.She subsequently disembarked the minibus.  A little while after the accused came running down the street behind her. He came up and grabbed her from behind and started to stab her in her back threatening to kill her all the time.At the time of the incident she was five months pregnant. She was rescued by a neighbour and subsequently taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital where she was treated after which she was transferred to the Georgetown Hospital.Before passing sentence Justice Reynolds scolded the accused and stated that the probation report hadn’t much good to say about his conduct. You allowed yourself to become addicted to alcohol; you became abusive and seem incapable of helping yourself.”He was sentenced to seven years in jail.The judge also commended the work done by attorney at law Sasha Roberts who he stated did a commendable job after taking the job at short notice and coming into the trial at the half way stage.He also commended the Probation Officer.

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