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發表於 2017-3-4 23:07:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Four persons are now homeless after a fire destroyed a two-flat house at Crane Housing Scheme, West Coast Demerara.  The origin of the fire, which started around 02.00 hrs yesterday, was not immediately known.The house being ravaged by fire in the wee hours of yesterday.However,Javier Guemez Mexico Jersey, Patrick Whyte,St. Louis Cardinals Keith Hernandez Jersey, who resided in the top flat with his reputed wife Camille, said that he is sure that the fire started in the bottom flat of the building.“I’m not sure if it was electrical or if something was left on or wuh, but I sure it started downstairs,” said a hysterical Whyte as he watched his house burn.According to the 40-year-old man,Kirk Gibson Dodgers Jersey, he was home alone when the fire struck. His reputed wife and the bottom flat tenant, identified as Tricia, were out together.“She (Tricia) de living downstairs with a boy from Berbice…She (Tricia) encourage me girl fuh go out and tek a drink,” said an evidently upset Whyte.He claimed that he was awakened by a noise in his kitchen sometime before 02:00 hours. The noise,Rafael Marquez Mexico Jersey, he would soon discover, was the result of a blaze that had engulfed his kitchen.The man said that his immediate reaction was to rush to a verandah at the front of his home in an effort to escape the inferno.“I jump down from the verandah and I see downstairs done blazing with fire.”At first, he disclosed, that he was worried that his reputed wife and company were in the bottom flat, but noted that his fear was appeased when they turned up at the scene shortly after.Patrick Whyte stands near his destroyed home.Neighbours, many of whom were awakened by the blaze,Los Angeles Dodgers Fernando Valenzuela Jersey, summoned the fire service.  When this publication arrived on the scene just after 02:00 hours, fire fighters were already employing tactics to help contain the fire which had by then reduced the house to a mere frame. “The house burn really fast…the bottom had some old wood, suh it burn fast,Nolan Ryan Mets Jersey, fast,New York Mets Matt Harvey Jersey,” Whyte divulged.According to Whyte,Keanu Neal Falcons Jersey, the Lot 75 Crane Housing Scheme property belonged to his parents who reside in the United States. He too had spent a period of his life overseas but said that he lived most of his life at the now destroyed house.At the break of dawn yesterday Whyte was seen at the site assessing his losses.According to the man, he is a contract worker attached to the Guyana Water Incorporated; he estimates his losses to be several thousands of dollars. “I just buy a stereo set and TV that I still paying on…all meh clothes and everything get bun up,” Whyte lamented as he examined the destroyed property he once called home.Whyte has plans to construct a makeshift abode at the back of the site since,Tedy Bruschi Patriots Jersey UK, according to him; he has nowhere else to go.“Me girl might come with me but I don’t know about Tricia. She was just staying here because my parents wanted she to rent here but now she outta here.”He is however hopeful that he will receive some assistance to eventually reconstruct a proper home.

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