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發表於 2017-3-6 15:24:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– father and son believed slain after returning from Venezuela The bullet-riddled decomposing bodies of a father and son, along with their bloodstained boat, were found at around 13:00 hrs yesterday at Iron Point,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey UK, an area some 35 miles from the Pomeroon River mouth.Relatives said that Romeo De Agrella, 41, and his son, Clint De Agrella,Mohamed Sanu Sr Falcons Jersey UK, 21, of Grant Hope, Pomeroon,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey UK, were found about three miles apart.Eyewitnesses said that Mr. De Agrella’s body bore at least two bullet wounds to the back, while his son had apparently been shot at least five times. Three of the bullets wounds were reportedly to the head.Their boat also bore bullet holes,Devonta Freeman Falcons Jersey UK, its interior was bloodstained and the vessel’s 250- horsepower engine was missing.The two men had reportedly returned from Venezuela on Friday and had traveled by boat along the pirate-infested Waini River on their way home.Relatives told Kaieteur News that the family operates a dredge at Barama, North West District and Mr. De Agrella also travels to Venezuela to trade in fish.Kaieteur News understands that the two men had contacted relatives on Friday to inform them that they were traveling home and would arrive by 13:00 hrs.But when they failed to turn up,Martellus Bennett Patriots Jersey UK, worried relatives went next day in search of the father and son.That concern escalated when passengers on another vessel informed the relatives that they had spotted an overturned vessel near Shell Beach.According to a relative,Rob Gronkowski Patriots Jersey UK, a nephew who was a part of the search party,Paul Hornung Packers Jersey UK, eventually located the boat, which reportedly bore several bullet holes.At around 13:00 hrs yesterday,Aaron Rodgers Packers Jersey UK, relatives found Romeo De Agrella’s decomposing body near Iron Point.Clint De Agrella’s corpse was found some hours later about three miles away.Police were subsequently informed and ranks from the Essequibo coast and Moruca traveled to the area.The bodies were brought in to Charity around 17:20 hrs and were taken to the Suddie Hospital Mortuary.Autopsies are to be conducted on the remains today.A relative confirmed that a nephew and great- nephew of Mr. De Agrella, along with a third man,Le Veon Bell Steelers Jersey UK, were also brutally slain in Suriname two years ago.

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