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NFL Jerseys Outlet which ended up going into the other lane.At age 19









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發表於 2017-3-6 23:38:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two years after four persons lost their lives on the roadways because of the negligence of a young truck driver, the families of those that perished were given justice yesterday.JAILED: Ritesh BhagwandinThe driver,Tyler Ennis Syracuse Jersey, Ritesh Bhagwandin, 20,Montee Ball Wisconsin Jersey, of Lot 12 Hope East Coast Demerara was jailed for a total of 20 years. He was found guilty on four counts of causing death by dangerous driving, at the conclusion of a trial in the Providence Magistrate’s Courts. He was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on each count.However, the jail terms will run concurrently. This means that the convict will only serve a total of five years.The jail terms were handed down by Magistrate Leron Daly, in the presence of Bhagwandin’s Attorney, Senior Counsel Bernard DeSantos. DeSantos gave an oral notice of his intentions to appeal the matter and requested that his client be released on bail. This request was denied by the Magistrate.On October 18, 2013, at Coverden Public Road,Cheap South Carolina Fighting Gamecocks Jerseys, EBD,Connor Shaw South Carolina Jersey, Bhagwandin drove motor lorry GPP 8495 in a manner dangerous to the public, causing the deaths of four persons- Felix Marc, Delroy Evans, Loretta Evans and Poolmattie Samaroo.It was reported that Bhagwandin attempted to pass another motor lorry that was parked on the roadway. In doing so, the truck he was driving ended up in the path of a route 72 minibus that was proceeding in the opposite direction. The vehicles collided head on killing the four persons.In mitigation,Stanford Cardinal Jerseys, DeSantos asked the Magistrate to consider the fact his client was only absent from court on one occasion. He stated that Bhagwandin resides with his parents and has no prior or pending matters before the court.This case was called after 10:00hrs. The matter was stood down earlier in the morning in anticipation of the arrival of DeSantos. Magistrate Daly in delivering her ruling, affirmed that she was satisfied with the case of the prosecution,Karl Joseph West Virginia Jersey, led by Police Inspector Michael Grant.The Prosecution contended that on the tragic day, the young man was driving the truck at a very fast rate and overtook another vehicle which was parked. As a result,Cheap Washington Huskies Jerseys, he ended up in the path of the route 72 mini-bus,Texas Longhorns Jerseys, BPP 3521 that was proceeding in the opposite direction. Bhagwadin tried to swerve but collided with the bus. The bus driver and two passengers who were seated directly behind him died instantly. Another died while receiving medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).The Magistrate said that she did not believe the case presented by the defence and found Bhagwandin guilty on all four charges.During the trial, Bhagwandin’s Attorney had highlighted that in his client’s statement, the Police had been told of a lorry that had come over to his client’s lane,Mighty Oregon Oregon Jersey, causing him to swerve to avoid a collision. DeSantos said that because his client had swerved from the lorry, his right side steering was dislodged and he had lost control of the lorry, which ended up going into the other lane.At age 19, the driver made his first court appearance before Former Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on October, 24, 2013 and was remanded to prison after denying the charges. He was subsequently granted bail.

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