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發表於 2017-3-7 03:44:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yesterday afternoon at their headquarters on New Market Street, Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited launched a new customer-oriented service programme called the ‘Customer Panel’ as part of their efforts to “find new and innovative ways to understand what our customers want so that we can satisfy their financial needs” according to Mr. Edward Gooding, Managing Director of the bank.The panel which is based on a template programme launched in Trinidad and Tobago in 2003 by Republic Bank consists of a cross section of customers selected from all the branches of the bank throughout the country which bring diversity to the programme in terms of age,Denarius Moore Tennessee Jersey, lifestyle,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, occupation and location.The panelists will actively engage the product development and customer service representatives of the organisation to allow the bank the opportunity to better improve the quality of service that they offer their customers through their attendance and participation in four quarterly-scheduled discussions over the period of one year, at the end of which a new customer panel will be selected.Mr. Gooding expressed his gratitude to the members of this,Syracuse Orange Jerseys, the first panel, for answering the bank’s call, and the customers in turn were all happy to be a part of the initiative.When asked to share their opinions,Cheap NFL Jerseys, one panel member, a pharmacist and businessman hailing from Berbice said,Karl Joseph West Virginia Jersey, “I am happy to contribute and will do my best to channel the views of others as well, since not everyone can be a part of the programme,Montee Ball Wisconsin Jersey, but we the contributors can still pass on the views of our families and friends.”Another member noted that having a formal group makes it easier to project ideas to address the bank’s products and services,Cheap Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles Jerseys, but in time,Drew Brees Purdue Jersey, perhaps some of the ideas suggested may even impact the wider community.In closing his presentation,Mighty Oregon Oregon Jersey, Mr. Gooding noted that this intitiative was “… another first in Guyana from Republic Bank …” aimed towards ensuring that “… we remain the Bank of Choice for all our customers.”

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