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Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale 38









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發表於 2017-3-7 07:08:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Ex-policeman Ravi Outar who was shot four times in an apparent execution on Wednesday night remains in a critical but stable condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.The 29-year-old Outar was transferred from the New Amsterdam Hospital where he was first admitted because of the severity of his condition.Outar,Colt McCoy Texas Jersey, a former cop during the crime wave of the early 2000s, had been running a bar for the past several years. He was sitting outside his business place at 143 Second Street, Rose Hall, Berbice when a lone gunman walked up to him and pumped four bullets into his body.According to reports after Outar was shot, his wife Meshell noticed a lone gunman calmly walking out of their sports bar and boarding a waiting car, in which he escaped.Neighbours who heard the gunshots, rushed to the scene only to see the badly wounded Outar lying on the ground with blood pouring from his wounds.He was then rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he is now battling for his life in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).The wounded bar owner’s father, Kumar Outar,Wisconsin Badgers Jerseys, told Kaieteur News that he was informed that the bullets bruised his son’s lungs and heart,Cheap Rutgers Scarlet Knights Jerseys, while another is lodged near his spine.“Doctors trying with he…He talking lil bit,Jordan Shipley Texas Jersey,” Kumar Outar said.Kaieteur News understands that the injured Outar recognized his shooter and has told police who he is.Outar is no stranger to bullet wounds, having survived an execution attempt while serving as a policeman way back in 2002. On that occasion,Oregon Ducks Jerseys, he was shot in his foot when gunmen from the village of Buxton attacked the patrol vehicle that he was driving in the Coldingen area.Constable Alleyne was killed while Constable Cruickshank and Corporal Geness (now Chief Inspector Geness) were wounded.The patrol vehicle was later set on fire by the gunmen.Meanwhile,Cheap SACA Jerseys, a Kuru-Kuru,Cheap Tennessee Vols Jerseys, Soesdyke Linden Highway resident is also in the hospital’s ICU fighting for his life after he was shot by his stepson following an argument.Kaieteur News understands that the shooting occurred about 19:45hrs on Wednesday,Texas Longhorns Jerseys, after Samuel Wilson, 38,Montee Ball Wisconsin Jersey, tried to scold his stepson about his unbecoming behaviour. The youth became enraged by the scolding and opted to shoot Wilson with his own firearm. It is unclear how the teen had gotten hold of the weapon.After pumping bullets into Wilson’s body, the teen then made good his escape and is yet to be arrested. A 9mm. Taurus pistol with 11 rounds has been recovered by the police.

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