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From HIS EXCELLENCY, President BHARRAT JAGDE0Fellow Guyanese,Happy New Year!This is that time when many make resolutions and set goals about their health, finances, careers, family and spiritual life. It is my wish that, whatever your resolutions or goals, that you will all enjoy the success to which you aim. I also hope that 2010, the beginning of the second decade of the new millennium and the fortieth anniversary of our still young Republic, will bring renewed harmony, unremitting peace and uninterrupted development to our nation.The role of government is to create an environment conducive to the full development of every individual. But this role is conditioned by the higher obligation of citizens to work for the common good.This greater concern for the well being of others was very much evident over the past few weeks. I was deeply moved by the overflowing spirit of goodwill demonstrated by Guyanese over the Christmas holidays, and particularly through the thoughtfulness shown to the less fortunate in our midst.The numerous acts of kindness are testimony to that well-spring of humanity engraved in every person’s heart and with which we can touch the lives of others.I am also pleased that so many of our fellow Guyanese came home for the holidays and that some have remained to spend the New Year with us. I extend a warm welcome to all of you and hope that you were touched by the infectious spirit of goodwill and hope which permeated this holiday season and which should allow us to take the bold steps required for shaping a better future for our country.My appeal at this time is for every citizen of this dear land of ours to commit to the common good by leading exemplary lives as honest, hardworking, law- abiding citizens. We may not yet be a rich country but our station as a nation need not constrain our kindness, our compassion or our solidarity.Guyana is our home and the ties that bind citizens to this land will outlive us all. It is thus our obligation to do all that we can to help our country attain the peace, security and prosperity for which our ancestors and succeeding generations struggled.We have an abiding duty to assume the mantle of responsible citizenship and to play our part in realizing the vision of united, free, prosperous and humane Guyana.The past year has given us hope that despite the many challenges faced at the global, regional and domestic levels,Rutgers Scarlet Knights Jerseys, that this vision can be realized in the near future.2009 started with the world reeling from its greatest ever economic crisis since the 1930’s, a crisis that has already left millions jobless, homeless and penniless, pulverized businesses into foreclosure and bankruptcy, and disrupted financial and commodity markets.The economies of the region were not immune from the global contagion. Growth shrunk in many countries, jobs were lost and industries crippled. Tourism and the financial sector, two of the bedrocks on which some economies were built, were severely affected.Guyana too was not spared. The collapse of CLICO across the region, reduced remittances and weaker commodity markets adversely affected our economy. These blows could not have come at a more inopportune time for the local economy which this year suffered the full impact of the price cuts in sugar revenues by the European Union.Despite these formidable obstacles and the below expected performance in some sectors of the economy,Trevone Boykin TCU Jersey, namely sugar and bauxite, preliminary indications are that our economy registered a positive growth rate of about two per cent in 2009. This was achieved while improving and expanding social services and within a framework of sustained macroeconomic stability.Climate change has emerged as the principal issue facing the world today. Rising sea levels and adverse and variable weather patterns occasioned by climate change pose daunting challenges for future development. Even as we try to create a global framework to fix this problem, we all have to adjust to living with climate change.Guyana is no exception. Each year, our people suffer severe economic losses as well as untold misery because of flooding, and now, drought-like conditions. In addition, we are forced to expend billions of dollars to improve drainage and irrigation and shore up our sea defences.Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy provides a necessary framework for us to continue to adapt to climate change without compromising our quest for accelerated transformative development. It will make our country more climate resilient including through better flood control and water management. It will also allow us to take full advantage of the opportunities to earn from preserving and trading, a hitherto unrecognized resource, forest carbons, and to deploy these earnings in transformative economic and social projects that would bring substantial benefits to our people.Guyana has already laid the groundwork for such financial flows. We are one of the first countries to which commitments have been made. Our agreement with Norway which would see us earn up to US$250M over the next five years through performance-based payments, and at the same time continue to sustainably utilize our forests resources through mining, forestry and other activities,Joshua Dobbs Tennessee Jersey, is just the beginning.The less than hoped for outcome in Copenhagen will not affect these financial flows. We will continue to work for a global binding treaty that apart from limiting the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will provide even greater predictable long- term financial incentives for forest-rich countries.I take this opportunity to commend all stakeholders, including the parliamentary opposition, who have participated in consultations and supported the Low Carbon Development Strategy. I wish also to record my appreciation for their recognition that such a strategy is necessary for Guyana even in the absence at this time of a binding global treaty.This year, will see a number of developments within the local economy all aimed at consolidating and building on the gains made thus far. We will continue to invest heavily in physical infrastructure, with an extensive coastal and hinterland roads programme already in preparation.The electricity sector, which has been the source of considerable dissatisfaction in recent times, will see the commencement of a major upgrade to its transmission and distribution network, as we simultaneously continue efforts to reduce losses and improve quality- of-service in the sector. Construction of the alternative northern discharge for the East Demerara Water Conservancy will commence.And, consistent with our efforts to modernize and diversify rapidly, as well as create information communication technology related jobs, we will witness concrete steps to increase the availability and reliability and reduce the cost of bandwidth within the telecommunication sector.In the social sector, emphasis will continue to be placed on improving quality of service, value for money and greater accountability to the public. In education, on top of previously recognized priorities such as literacy, special attention will be paid to science and technology, and the expansion of technical and vocational education. We are also working on a major project to computerize all secondary schools in Guyana .We are keenly aware that sustained concentration within the classroom maximizes learning. Cognizant also that good nutrition plays an important role in improving concentration; my government will be spending some $800M on a country wide school- feeding program. This is all part of our efforts to improve performance within our educational system.In the health sector, all of our new hospitals will be made operational. Audits, including clinical audits, will be introduced for all public health institutions. Also, all public hospitals will be required to enter into a service contract with the Ministry of Health, whereby these institutions will be held accountable for the provision of quantifiable and verifiable standards of health care deliverables.Further, the quality of service provided by all medical service providers,Kevin Durant Texas Jersey, both private and public, will be reviewed to ensure conformity with the Health Facilities Licensing Act.In the area of housing, an additional 6,000 house lots will be allocated, building on our already impressive housing programme, and attention will be paid to updating and more effectively enforcing our building codes.Also in 2010, my Government will build on the work that we have already done to protect and serve those who are most vulnerable in our society. Specifically,Cheap San Diego State Aztecs Jerseys, in the case of children, we have already enacted legislation on childcare, and the status, adoption, and protection of children. During the New Year, we plan to bring into law the remaining elements of this comprehensive legislative framework, including in such areas as childcare and development services, custody, contact, guardianship and maintenance, and sexual offences. We will also roll out further our national foster care programme and strengthen the childcare and protection agency. These initiatives, taken together with our policy on domestic violence and our training programmes for single parents and vulnerable youth which will benefit some 4000 persons this year, will help to ensure that more Guyanese are empowered to live a more fulfilling life.I have provided for you the broad outline of some of the focal points of our development agenda for the New Year. This agenda will continue to create conditions propitious to the personal advancement of you the citizens of Guyana .As you therefore set your goals for this year, you can rest assured that your government will continue to work for greater social, political and economic progress and especially for the provision of productive infrastructure and the ongoing improvement in the delivery of quality social services.You the people are however protagonists in the developmental process. As citizens of this country, you have a vital role to play in the creation of a better Guyana . I therefore urge all Guyana to work assiduously in 2010 so that together we can achieve our national goals. I am confident that with your proven fortitude, skill and determination, and the deep love you hold for your homeland, we can ensure that in 2010 our country becomes even more united, democratic and prosperous.**From the People’s Progressive PartyThe People’s Progressive Party (PPP) extends best wishes to all Guyanese for the New Year, 2010.The outgoing year was a challenging one with many difficulties caused mainly by the international crises.However we have faced those challenges and have managed to advance our country significantly.The New Year will certainly bring with new issues to be dealt with. However, it also brings new hope for a better world.In this New Year we believe that the proposal for a Low Carbon Development Strategy will gain greater currency and will make a contribution to the health of our planet.We look forward to expanding our physical infrastructure so that we can accelerate our social and economic programme.We will continue to work for greater understanding among all social and political forces in our country. We will continue our efforts to advance the cause of peace and justice for all.Once again A Happy New Year.**From Robert Corbin, MP Leader of the People’s National Congress ReformFellow Guyanese,Happy New Year!: To every home, family and community across the far-flung regions of our country.New Year Greetings are also extended to all Guyanese in the Diaspora, whether in North America, Europe or wider afield. Modern communication and internet technology have indeed brought us closer together, despite the miles that physically separate us.The holiday season provided a welcome respite from the rigorous challenges that we all faced in the past year, but we must now be prepared to overcome them in the New Year, 2010: One that I would like to name, “The Year of Opportunity”.The Opportunity to correct the many ills facing our beloved country; Opportunity to remove many of the fundamental obstacles that have halted the development of our country and ourselves; and,Earl Campbell Texas Jersey, Opportunity to place Guyana on the path to national harmony and real progress.On this the first day of the New Year, it is my hope that all of us will realize a measure of prosperity in our personal lives and that each of us, wherever we may be, will endeavour  to make some contribution, however small, to the development of our country.In my 2009 New Year message, I warned that the arbitrariness and dictatorial tendency of the Jagdeo Administration posed a serious threat to the rule of law in Guyana. We can now judge for ourselves what transpired.We need to remind ourselves of the various trials and tribulations that we have had to endure in 2009.The cycle of unsavoury events persisted and, in  most cases, worsened: Executive lawlessness; lack of transparency; corruption and a plethora of scandals; disregard for the rule of law; decline in morality at the highest levels of the land; interference with the independence of the Judiciary; harassment and victimization of opponents of the Government, including the media; the intensification of the assault on the Trades Union movement and workers generally; lack of tolerance for differing opinions; arrogance, vindictiveness and high-handed behaviour by those in authority; the unreliable and unstable electricity supply; decline in the productive sectors, as exemplified in the Bauxite and Sugar sectors, including the historic inability of GUYSUCO to pay its workers; escalated human rights abuses, marked by the increasing use of torture by the Police and GDF,  as most recently illustrated by the torture of a fourteen-year old while in Police custody; and the shameful exposure, in a New York Court, of the hidden Administration hands behind the drug trade and the murder of over two hundred of our citizens over the past years.The year ended with the GRA boasting of the collection of billions of dollars in excessive revenues, but with public service workers receiving an arbitrarily imposed paltry 6% increase in wages and salaries  – this was like a cube of ice in the Atlantic Ocean.I wish the Commissioner of Police and the Chief of Staff a Happy New Year. May they seize the opportunity to make us proud of our security forces in 2010.I wish the Leadership and members of the PPP as well as all other political parties in Guyana a productive New Year. May we take the opportunity to seriously discuss and implement a system of Governance that would remove the present alienation and release the energies of our people.Happy New Year to the Private Sector. May you succeed in your efforts to contribute to Guyana ’s prosperity.Happy New year to all Guyanese. May we seize the opportunity to work together as a united people.My wish, the wish of the People’s National Congress Reform, is that 2010 ushers in a new resolve to take Guyana forward. This, fellow Guyanese, can only be achieved if our leaders, the Jagdeo Administration, the Opposition Parties, the private sector, indeed,Von Miller Texas A&M Jersey, all stakeholders and our people alike, demonstrate a genuine and tangible commitment to this objective.  Time is not on our side!**FROM THE ALLIANCE FOR CHANGEBrothers and sisters, citizens, allWe are at the cusp of the second decade into the second millennia. I pray that 2010 will bring with it the joy and happiness we all desired and longed for in 2009, but may not have experienced.This last year has proven to be one which emphasize the need that we Guyanese must live, work and play in unity. Moreover, it has revealed these simple truths: that we must ensure an ordering of our national affairs which will see less wastage of our resources at all levels – governmental, corporate and the individual; that we must begin lifestyles which will ensure a sustainable development so that our world as it is will still be there for our generations to come; that we, especially politicians and leaders, ensure a governance which exhibit qualities of tolerance, harmony and honesty.In a word, then, we must promulgate that which will realize a leaner, greener, and cleaner approach in our daily lives. We have far too long seen and lived a mismatch between what we argue for and for what we actually do.We must as a people and leaders proceed to right the many wrongs by taking notice of inconvenient truths, and not spurn ideas when they do not come from our own group-think.A successful Guyana can only emerge when there is confidence in its institutions and in its economy. And any start towards this direction will only come when all of our people especially the young from all social and ethnic backgrounds are attracted and can develop successful careers right here in Guyana.Our nightmare has been that our young and most talented dream of distancing themselves from this land. Let 2010 be the start of an awakening from this nightmare where we not only seek to multiply our possessions, but in the same process multiply our values; where we not only make a living but also live a better life.Let us in the year tell our families and friends, colleagues and neighbours how much we love them and help, in whatever small way, add laughter and joy to their lives amidst these challenging and tumultuous times.From all of us in the Alliance For Change, a happy New Year.**From FITUG What a great and appropriate time to reflect upon the past, review our challenges and achievements and chart a future for ourselves and in the interest of those we hold dear.It’s that time of year when we say good-bye to one calendar year and bid welcome to a new one. The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) wishes its thousands of members a happy, healthy and constructive 2010. We wish also, the members of the Guyana Trade Unions Congress (GTUC), also members of the working class of the Guyanese nation all the best for the New Year, that they achieve their positive objectives which should include the promotion of a “comprehensive workers’ solidarity” in this new year.FITUG cannot hide from the fact that workers rights, especially those of our members, as well as those in the bauxite mining sector, were trampled upon in 2009. Negotiations under the provisions of Collective Labour Agreements were submerged by unreasonable corporate employers who broke all national and international Labour conventions as they sought to under value their workers labour with varied excuses and explanations.The powerful affiliates of FITUG will soon convene to map out strategies to expose in advance, the terms of agreements and other conditions which our members work under and which should be steadfastly honored by employers.FITUG will also engage the Ministry of Labour in discussions to further the interests of the Nation’s workers and to pre-empt, head off potential discrimination by certain employers.Even as some question the very relevancy of Trade Unions in modern society, FITUG intends to demonstrate, in 2010, that bargaining agents can also be agents of working class, social economic advancement. We will introduce certain economic ventures in our members interest and welfare.At the individual levels the CCWU has been successful in the upward movement in the leadership of Miss Ann Anderson replacing Mr. Grantley Culbard as the Union General Secretary and Ms. Kim Halley to the position of first vice president, this is the first for the female gender in the union which representations has been improving for workers progressively.The GLU has been successful in the representations of its membership and a smooth transition of its Executive under the capable leadership of its General Secretary and President of FITUG Mr. Carvil Duncan.NAACIE has been successful in maintaining the rights of its members in the Guyana Power & Light, Guysuco, Bosai and other entities for benefits in keeping with Collective Agreements and Law.GAWU, under severe pressure has continued to withstand the negative impositions placed on already over taxed workers. Together these four Unions are at the helm of the battle for workers to maintain and improved working and living conditions in keeping with the ILO’s conditions of decent work.These Unions are ably assisted by their international contacts which include the ITF, IUF,GMB among others.FITUG reiterates its sincere wishes for working class advancement in 2010. But we will not divulge in wishful thinking. FITUG will pursue practical ventures along which our members must traverse to collective betterment.Perhaps it is time to reorganize and mobilize even those of our members who have been made redundant by certain employers. Workers education will also be enhanced through new facilities now available to FITUG affiliates. All this will contribute to the realization of a truly happy new year.Best wishes for 2010 from FITUG to all of the nations workers and more understanding and success to its employers.Happy New Year from GAWU, CCWU, NAACIE, GLU, and FITUG.________________________________________From the Caribbean Congress of LabourAs we close the year 2009 and embrace the New Year it is time not only for celebration of the symbolism of the season but also using the experiences we have acquired over the year in developing our resolve to meet the challenges envisage in 2010.As Caribbean workers, we have been able to keep labour’s focus within the regional socio-economic and political framework as an integral measure of Caribbean development with the recognition that through the CSME Movement of skill and semi-skilled labour the Caribbean can be served by Caribbean nationals.The free movement of skills, however, impacted on some more than others and when coupled with the flight of illegal immigrants there is a potential risk affecting the countries at the migrant end as well as the immigrant end.This latter case of illegal movement of workers and its impact must be addressed, not only within the framework of the CSME but with careful review of the condition of workers and citizens in sister CARICOM countries who are not merely pulled to countries with higher standard of living and higher economies but are instead pushed by fear of being victims of political or narco-terrorism; the desire to expand the narco trade; marginalization; poverty; hopelessness; social, economic, cultural and political decay; the denial and violation of basic human rights and no justice.Caribbean leaders need not forget that in the Free Movement and integration process there is an equal responsibility on both migrant and receiving countries.First and foremost the leaders have a responsibility to their citizens to create the environment where rights and the rule of law are respected, jobs are created and social services are provided. It is unacceptable for elected officials to be abrogating their responsibilities to their constituencies and expect others to pick up the slack.These challenges will continue into the New Year and must therefore be high on our agenda for discourse and resolution if we are to preserve the integrity of the free movement of skills and Caribbean labour market as well as deepen relationships and reduce conflict and tension among our Caribbean peoples.For 2010 CCL wishes the government and the people of the Caribbean a deepening of our individual and collective resolve to better manage our political, social and economic circumstances to create an environment of Caribbean identity and regional stability.May the beauty and warmth of our tropical paradise be reflected also in peace, political maturity, economic growth and respect for workers right and the rule of law with an end to discrimination based on political, ethnic or class exploitation.Workers of the Caribbean UNITE for survival and guarantee of rights! Solidarity!**ETHNIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONThe sun has set on yet another year in our lives. 2010 is here and we anticipate continued progress and sustained peace in Guyana. 2009 has been a successful year for some while it has also been a challenging year for others.As we celebrate the dawning of this New Year we may wish to take time to review our successes and challenges and at the same time with zeal work to realize our projections for the New Year.The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) acknowledges the support, the receptivity, confidence and faith that Guyanese have expressed in it. We were pleased to serve in the past and looks forward to offering to all Guyanese, service with the highest levels of excellence and professionalism in 2010.The Commission urges Guyanese to continue in the noble task of Nation building especially as we prepare to celebrate our 40th year as a Republic. We offer these suggestions:– That our youths get more involved in Peace Clubs which encourages the promotion of good relations and harmony– Religious Leaders show greater respect for each other’s faith and exercise greater levels of tolerance and respect when dealing with very sensitive issues– All citizens should participate in meaningful community development and to take deliberate actions to promote community security as we seek to forge a culture of Nationalism that will give the full expression of our Nation’s Motto: One People, One Nation, One Destiny– That we work to continue to provide an environment of equal opportunities and equal access.The Commission looks forward to working with all stakeholders more especially our political leaders in ensuring a country free from fear, free from discrimination, where people are free to attain the highest goals.We wish all Guyanese a peaceful, productive and successful 2010.**From Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Sugar Corporation IncAs we enter the New Year, the Guyana Sugar Corporation would like to thank all our stakeholders for their continued support over the past year. We are confident that this will continue.It is important to recognize that 2009 marked yet another very challenging period for the Sugar Industry but equally important is the fact that it also provided a base from which the Industry begins the long road towards its revival and sustained growth.We recognize the importance of all segments of our workforce, you are all equally vital in our business of sugar production and we thank you for your commitment and hard work.To our business partners, both local and overseas, we express our sincere gratitude for your continued involvement in an Industry with such a long history of producing quality sugar.Just as the year 2009 served as the platform; the New Year will provide the first step towards the realization of our goal.Indeed the fundamentals of the Industry are more robust when compared with twelve months ago.I would like to assure all Guyanese that we recognize the important role the sugar industry plays in the culture and economy of our country.The Corporation is doing all that is possible to revive the Industry in the shortest possible time and we remain confident that 2010 will usher in the beginning of our ascent towards future success.I wish to say, that as with a rising tide, not only GuySuCo but all stakeholders will be lifted and benefit from a stronger and more vibrant Sugar Industry.On behalf of the Board of Directors, Management and Staff of the Guyana Sugar Corporation, I wish each of you a Blessed, Productive and Rewarding New Year.

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