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Miguel Layun Mexico Jersey rskv0z0e









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發表於 2017-3-7 15:16:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Under the theme “Science,Denis Savard Jersey, Mathematics, and Technology for global energy management”, the Department of Education yesterday opened a two-day regional Science,Colton Parayko Jersey, Mathematics and Technology Fair at the Diamond Secondary School, East Bank Demerara. The event is said to have attracted some fifty schools.The projects on display will be judged and trophies awarded accordingly.Some of the projects on display include wind turbines, creative re-use of plastic, solar water distillers,Josh Harding Jersey, ways to reduce low carbon and many more.According to Head teacher of Diamond Secondary, Pamela Bridgewater, “science is the way of finding out how things are done and is about testing what is real; it is a way of not fooling ourselves, and the fair heightens the understanding of science”.Chairman of the Science Fair Committee, Anisah Wolford-Saunders, explained that participants from both Nursery and Secondary schools would be displaying various projects that they have created,Andrew Shaw Jersey, while the Guyana School of Agriculture and Ministry of Health are also participating, in addition to a dramatic presentation today about substance abuse by the Phoenix Rehabilitation Centre.She said various entities have made donations towards the venture, among them major entities such as Ansa Mcal, Banks DIH, Republic Bank,Steve Larmer Jersey, Starr Computers and Giftland OfficeMax.According to National Science Coordinator, Petal Jetoo, fifty participating schools would over the two-day period showcase maths,Gump Worsley Jersey, science and technology, which she opined is a combination that can solve the global energy crisis.She said the purpose of the fair is to educate, and with science being concerned with our natural world, there are always interesting questions that would arise.Jetoo further noted that science is the knowledge and technology is the machine,Nino Niederreiter Jersey, which when combined can improve our quality of lives.She pointed out that many major inventions started from small projects, and is advising young science students,Johnny Oduya Jersey, that asking the right questions is the way in which the right answers can be found,Cody Eakin Jersey, since a scientist is an investigator.

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