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– Nomination Day set for Jan. 26The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has stated that Tuesday, is the deadline for the submission of applications for approval of symbols for contestants of Local Government Elections (LGE).The January 5 date is 21 days before Nomination Day for candidates of the LGE,Baltimore Orioles Joey Rickard Jersey, which are expected to be held on March 18, next. By law, all political parties, voluntary groups and individual candidates desirous of contesting LGE must submit their applications for approval of symbols to GECOM.“Applications for approval of symbols, which must include printed versions (and electronic versions as far as is practicable) of the respective symbols,Boston Red Sox David Price Jersey, must be submitted to GECOM no later than Tuesday,Toronto Blue Jays J.A. Happ Jersey, January 5, 2016,” the Commission stressed. ”Applications can be submitted through the Office of the Chief Election Officer, or via the Returning Officers for the Respective Municipalities and NDCs.”“Any List of Candidates submitted by any Political Party, Voluntary Group or Individual Candidate on Nomination Day, without the required pre-approved symbol, will be deemed defective and the defaulting Political Party,Toronto Blue Jays Roger Clemens Jersey, Voluntary Group,Chicago Cubs Ben Zobrist Jersey, or Individual Candidate will be deemed to be defective and the relevant Political Party, Voluntary Group or Individual Candidate would consequently be ineligible to contest the Local Government Election.”Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has since submitted for approval its application for symbols to contest LGE. According to the party yesterday, the application was made after it received notification from GECOM to apply for symbols.“In the circumstances the Party’s title will be the People’s Progressive Party/Civic,New York Mets Zack Wheeler Jersey, the Party’s abbreviation will be PPP/C and the Party’s symbol will be CUP,Washington Nationals Michael Taylor Jersey,” the party said.“(In addition, the party) submitted the application for symbols to contest the local government elections in each of the seventy-one (71) Local Authority Areas.”The elections were last held in 1994,Boston Red Sox Hanley Ramirez Jersey, even though the constitution clearly stipulated that that they should be held every three years. The extensive delay was caused by reforms agreed to by the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government and the People’s National Congress. The last bits of legislation were passed this year.Over the years, there were many calls and protest actions for the then PPP government to hold the elections. The PPP had even vowed that once it was re-elected in the 2011 General and Regional Elections,Chicago Cubs Billy Williams Jersey, the elections would be held within a year. However, after the victory, there were no further talks on the side of the government for the holding of the polls.The elections will be held in nine towns and 65 Neighborhood Democratic Councils (NDCs).

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