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發表於 2017-3-10 01:38:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two men who attempted to smuggle two handguns and a quantity of cocaine through the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri, on Sunday last,wholesale jerseys, were both remanded to prison when they appeared before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. Adrian Beckles and Dexter Lewis, the latter being a St Kitts national, both pleaded not guilty to charges ranging from drug trafficking to unlawful possession of guns and ammunition.It is alleged that the duo on May 30,NFL Jerseys Supply, at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri, had in their possession 1kg 109 grams of cocaine. Another charge read that the men on the same date at the airport had in their possession 15 live 9mm rounds.The third and last charge stated that the two, on May 30, had in their possession one 1.4 Magnum revolver and a pistol. They also pleaded not guilty to that charge.Lewis was represented by attorney at law Adrian Thompson, while Beckles was unrepresented.Thompson in a bail application told the court that his client is a St Kitts national who was visiting his reputed wife, who is Guyanese.The court was told that Lewis was staying at a house at Eccles,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, East Bank Demerara. The lawyer further explained that none of the items listed in the various charges was ever in his client’s possession and luggage.According to Thompson, the only reason his client was arrested and charged was because Beckles told the police that Lewis had given him the items. “My worship,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the items mentioned in the charge were not found in Beckles’s luggage or on his person,” Thompson argued.He opined that a caution statement which was given by Beckles could not be attributed to his client.Thompson asserted that Beckles could not give evidence against his client because it would be inadmissible.Police Prosecutor Shondel Daniels,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, objected to bail being granted to the men.According to the prosecutor,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, the address that Lewis gave to the police differed from the one his lawyer gave to court, which suggested that he might be a flight risk. She noted that Lewis gave the police an incriminating caution statement where he admitted that he gave the guns and drugs to Beckles.The prosecutor also asked for the matters to be transferred to the Providence Magistrate’s Court.Thompson interjected and told the court that the police asked the wrong questions about his client’s address. He further said that the prosecution should not rely on a “caution statement” which was given by Beckles because it simply is not “admissible” in a court.The magistrate nevertheless remanded the men to prison. They are expected to make their next court appearance on Monday. The matter was also transferred to the Providence.

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