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發表於 2017-3-10 06:10:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Board of Directors of the newly established Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA) is consideringGuyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA) Head, Bobby Gossai Jr.as a matter of urgency, corruption allegations leveled against its Chief Executive Officer,NFL Jerseys Supply, Bobby Gossai Jr.The review on the part of the entity comes on the heels of an article published by this newspaper on Thursday, exposing the unethical behaviour of Gossai during his time as Secretary of the Guyana Gold Board.This was chronicled in a detailed forensic audit report conducted by Ram and McRae,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Chartered Accountants.The Board of Directors of the GOGA said that it was unaware of the specific contents of the Audit Report referred to in the Kaieteur News article.The Board said that it has since secured a copy of the Audit Report,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, and will be considering the contents of the report as a matter of urgency.The GOGA made it clear however that the employment of Bobby Gossai Jr. is part of its start-up process. They stressed that Gossai is currently on a probationary period. This period has not yet come to an end.The Board sought to assure the public that it is committed to the highest levels of transparency and disclosure in its efforts to develop a viable successful Oil and Gas Industry in Guyana.The damning forensic audit report on the Gold Board fingers Gossai in several corrupt acts. In one instance, Gossai is accused of being involved in a clear case of forgery.Director of Guyana Oil and Gas Association, Nigel HughesThe auditors said that during the course of their engagement, they were advised that the Board Secretary (who was Gossai),Cheap Authentic Jerseys, improperly lifted the signature of the former Chairman, Dr. Gobind Ganga, from one document and improperly used it in a letter purportedly from the former Chairman to the then General Manager. This information was confirmed by the Chairman and the then General Manager, Anataram Balram.Elaborating further on the issue, the auditors said that in the course of their reviews, they were presented with a letter bearing the signature of the former Board Chairman,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, Dr. Gobind Ganga addressed to Balram.The forensic auditors said that the letter allowed the General Manager to proceed on his remaining annual leave for 2014 which amounted to 49 days.The Chartered Accountants said that Balram was required to resume full duties with the Gold Board on November 4, 2014,wholesale jerseys china, and was therefore on leave since May 2014.Acting on information provided to them, the auditors were able to confirm that the signature of the former Board Chairman was lifted from another document.The forensic auditors said that this is a gross act of forgery that should be pursued by the appropriate authorities.

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