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– says Govt. keeps using majority to appoint its candidatesThe main opposition Peoples’ National Congress Reform is considering whether its members will continue serve on the Committee of Parliamentary Appointments, and whether it serves any useful purpose for them to do so. The decision to reconsider has come about as a direct result of the ruling PPP/C administration using their majority vote on the committee to overrule the opposition’s recommendations.The PNCR pointed out at its weekly media briefing that the life of the current Public Service Commission expires at the end of July and it has become necessary for its reconstitution. This Commission consists of six members appointed to represent public officers or classes of public officers. The Committee on Appointments is the Parliamentary Committee tasked with the appointment of the members of the PSC.This Committee which is made up of six Government members and four Opposition members,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, agreed that it would consult with five bodies requesting them to each nominate two persons to sit on the Public Service Commission.The bodies consulted were the Guyana Labour Union; The Federation of Unions of Government Employees; The Guyana Public Service Union; The National Union of Public Service Employees and the Public Service Senior Staff Association.One person was appointed by each body and the Appointments Committee was required to select two. The PPPC nominated Cecil Seepersaud and Carvil Duncan were selected through the party’s majority vote, which was also used to adopted the report of the Committee. The PNCR had nominated Vincent Bowman and Vera Naughton.The main opposition states that it was not surprised by the majority decision,Drew Brees Purdue Jersey, since the Government had always used its majority to ensure that their candidates are appointed to the various Constitutional Commissions.Meanwhile,Cheap Tennessee Vols Jerseys, Leader of the Opposition and of the PNCR Robert Corbin said that the final decision would depend on some things happening.“We have just made some proposals with respect to the ERC. Much of what we will do thereafter will depend on the response to those proposals,De Anthony Thomas Oregon Jersey,” Corbin said. He added that the Ethnic Relations Commission has been a matter of concern since 2007 and the Government has not seen it fit to have the issue addressed. Corbin stated that the only reason the party has not gone to the courts on the issue is because of their experience in relation to the Integrity Commission,Penn State Nittany Lions Jerseys, which case has not yet been heard. “Rather than tie it up with the judiciary,Ricky Williams Texas Jersey, we left it open to the political battleground,Christian McCaffrey Stanford Jersey,” Corbin concluded.

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