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發表於 2017-3-10 18:03:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The fact that there are ongoing discussions about an intended increase in tuition fees at the University of Guyana (UG) in the media and among interest groups, that is enough at the moment. “There is no concrete decision regarding the fees increase”,Los Angeles Dodgers Andre Ethier Jersey, says Vice Chancellor Professor Jacob Opadeyi.Professor Jacob OpadeyiSeveral weeks ago,C.J. Fair Syracuse Jersey, Dr. Opadeyi spoke of the proposed plans to increase the University’s tuition fees as part of moves to improve the quality of the institution. For years, Guyana’s main tertiary institution has been challenged financially with repeated talks of increasing fees.However,Dwight Freeney Falcons Jersey UK, there are those who strongly disapprove of an increase since not many persons could afford the current tuition fees. In fact, had it not been for the loan facility,Luis Suarez Uruguay Jersey, many students would not be able to attend UG,Marc Staal Rangers Jersey, hence being not part of the skilled labour force.In a recent interview,Diego Reyes Mexico Jersey, the Vice Chancellor said that he was exploring other means such as seeking assistance from the private sector to help reduce the expenditure of the University; and possibly offering scholarships to avoid a high increase in tuition fees.He noted that everybody is looking at it as a mere increase but there are several ways to have the increase and this includes other sectors picking up the tabs. The University is looking at various formulae and considering recurrent expenditures.Opadeyi,Stan Musial Cardinals Jersey, who was appointed last December, said that assistance from the private sector would not compromise the University’s principles. Assistance from businesses are called endowment funds which are part of their corporate responsibilities,Atlanta Falcons Jersey UK, he lamented.He pointed out that Guyanese are supporting these big companies by purchasing their products and as such they should give back. Therefore, they are supposed to give without expecting any favours in return.Opadeyi opined if big companies come on board to assist the University, the fee increase may not be high because the institution is able to offset its expenses. Corporations have numerous means of assisting the University and it does not necessarily require monetary gifts.He added that they could maintain a building; equip a sporting facility,Jordan Shipley Texas Jersey, and even sponsor a lecturer- for example, Demerara Distillers Limited could sponsor someone lecturing about alcohol because the students benefiting from those lessons could be employed with the company.In addition, a company or private individual could have a building named after him or her or a relative and pay a fee to upkeep the brand.He said that Government does this to upkeep the CBJ (Cheddi Beret Jagan) Building on Campus.

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