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發表於 2017-3-10 20:37:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Dear Editor,Adam Jones Orioles Jersey,The Guyana Revenue Authority takes this opportunity to respond to letter titled ‘Customs is King’ published in Kaieteur News on April 24, 2013 and signed by a Guyanese businessman.The writer gave the impression that only a small number of officers are available and as a result, wharves are congested and persons are frustrated. Everyone can now recognize that this is far from the truth, since risk management and post clearance audits reduced the need for examining each consignment and offered Management the leverage to release the majority of cargo.The Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) has officers who are trained to check for illicit drugs in cargo being imported or exported while the Good Examination Unit (GEU) examines commercial cargo profiled by the Risk Management Unit.Officers of these Units only operate at Seaports and NOT at Guyana Post Office Corporation location or Cheddi Jagan International Airport. The writer further states, “My understanding is that one has to basically bid for these officers to get something done.”This is preposterous; the writer is insinuating that irregular activities are taking place to obtain services of Customs Officers. This is an indictment on the integrity of Managers of those Units and by extension the Management of GRA.Please note that Importers and Exporters are required to schedule examinations for specific dates and times; thereafter, officers are assigned to carry out their duties. Kaieteur News highlighted several instances of the ingenious and sophisticated methods used by criminals to perpetuate transnational crimes, including concealment in empty containers. Quite recently, over 360 kgs of cocaine were discovered in lumber destined for Rotterdam; 233 kgs of cocaine in fish feed destined for China; 328 kgs of cocaine in soap powder destined for Africa; 20 kgs of marijuana destined for Barbados and the list goes on.Whenever this happens, the image of our beautiful country is affected and the integrity of officers questioned by these very persons who are castigating measures employed by GRA to counteract criminal activities.Recognizing the need to protect legitimate exports,Jerseys NFL Cheap, our trading partners and Guyana’s image, the Guyana Government signed a MoU with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to establish the Container Control Programme (CCP) which brings together trained officers from Customs,Baltimore Orioles Adam Jones Jersey, Guyana Police Force (GPF) and Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) to improve Port security and prevent lawful maritime cargo containers from being used for unlawful activities.Would it be more appropriate to relinquish the high level of attention being given in sanitizing the poor image of the country as a transshipment point for drugs/psychotropic substances at the expense of expediency to satisfy the greed of a few of our businessmen? If the answer is in the affirmative,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, then the GoG might as well shut down the Customs and Trade Administration.It is clear that the writer lacks integrity himself for attempting to inform the public on matters which he has little knowledge. By his own admission, he had conversations with friends but never once mentioned with any sincerity, where he was genuinely affected by the issues raised, except in passing at the end of the letter that he lost a ‘Client’.In my opinion, someone who lost an overseas market would never mention that parenthetically. Obviously, this person is disgruntled and tried to disguise as a businessman and an advocate for Shipping Agents.Be assured that GRA and its Stakeholders including the Private Sector Commission,Chile Jersey, Shipping Association and others continue to meet regularly to address matters of interest.  Moreover,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, we are very enthusiastic that the merger of GRA operations at one location in Camp Street, Georgetown will result in greater efficiency and enhanced customer service.Public Relations Officer

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