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– B Division ranks putting dent on nefarious activitiesB Division Commander Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam and his men are making good on their vow to go after the pockets of criminals that have been creating havoc in their division.The police in Berbice,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, over the past few days have made several arrests,WBC Jerseys 2017, particularly in the Rose Hall Town/ Port Mourant Corentyne areas.On Monday, the police after receiving certain information and conducting surveillance intercepted a car in which a robbery suspect and his reputed wife were travelling.Daniel McLennon called “Dutty” 21 of Rose Hall Town who was jailed for two years in his absence on the  West Bank of Demerara, for a robbery committed there  during 2015, was nabbed in a vehicle with his reputed wife Samantha Bhagwandin. However, it was after he was arrested that the police learnt that Mc Lennon was also wanted for robbing Youland Elexely on Sunday,wholesale jerseys,  February 26, of $200,000 at Parika, East Bank Demerara.He was arrested and placed on bail. However he fled the area and never returned for his trial. The trial went on and he was convicted and jailed in his absence. A warrant was subsequently issued for his arrest.During the time he reportedly travelled to various parts of the country where he committed a number of crimes.He has since been taken to Camp Street where he began serving his two- year sentence.The tale of the criminal’s latest arrest came after he reportedly assaulted his reputed wife, Bhagwandin, who is also well known to the authorities.Daniel McLennon called “Dutty”The woman made a report about the assault and implicated her husband in the robbery/ murder of 21-year old Harikrishna devotee Chaitanya Kishundyal who was shot by four gunmen on February 4th 2016,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, as he was about to close his gate at Lot 28 First Street, Swamp Section, Rosehall,Chile Jersey, Corentyne.However Mc Lennon,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, disappeared before he could be arrested.In the meantime, the reputed wife changed her story.The police put Bhagwandin under surveillance.The cops, acting on information, were on the ball when she joined a car and subsequently picked up the wanted man.They were intercepted at No 2 Village,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, East Canje Berbice.Investigations are continuing into the murder/robbery  and a number of other misdemeanors into which he was said to be involved.

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