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發表於 2017-3-11 00:14:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Feona MorrisonCoping with the loss of a loved one can be very difficult, especially around Christmastime. The holidays are filled with love and joy, but for Ashmoon Khan and her six children, the holidays will be anything but joyful since the demise of her husband, Envil Pollard. The man was shot and killed on January 29, last, by a security guard at a wharf at McDoom East Bank Demerara.Envil Pollard called ‘Elvis’ or ‘Rastaman’Forty-five year-old Pollard was a fisherman, who would give his catch to his wife, later she would sell it at their stall in the Stabroek Market. Since Pollard died his family has been plunged into a state of shock and is seeking justice.This is the family’s first Christmas without the breadwinner. I wanted to know what this Christmas would be like for these children, so I decided to pay them a visit.I would frequently visit the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to report on cases. On several occasions I would meet up with the now dead man’s wife. She always tries to attend all the hearings of the preliminary inquiry (PI) into her husband’s death.We spoke many times and she would always complain about how her life has changed since that fateful day. When she told me she was left to care for her seven children all alone, I was speechless.On December 17, I visited Ashmoon Khan where she sells fish in the market. She gave me directions to her home. I was looking forward for her accompanying me,wholesale jerseys china, but I saw she was busy trying to sell. She is always kind and would often wear a smile.So, I decided to visit their residence at Crane, West Coast Demerara. I told her that I would go alone. She then informed me that her children were expecting me.I took a taxi with one of my closest friends and we made our way there. We had to walk a short distance, because we were not sure about the exact location of the family’s home, although we were given directions. Luckily, we made our way through a little street, when we saw a young man standing at a door.He called out to us. I guess it was because we were strange to the neighbourhood. Anyway, we asked him if he knew the woman that sells fish in town. The young man replied “yes” and told us that his name was Kevin. He later revealed that the woman was his mother.Kevin took us to the two-bedroom home where his siblings, mother,Chile Jersey, niece and nephew reside.When I saw the little red and white cottage, I asked myself how they all manage to live in there. It’s a two-bedroom house with a little verandah to the western side. Believe it or not, Khan, her six children and grandchild live there comfortably, I would say. They have been living there for over 13 years.Before I entered the house I asked for a glass of water. I was really thirsty after a 15-minute walk in the sun. My friend and I sat in the living room and engaged ourselves in conversation with the kids. Some of them were shy at first, especially five-year-old Tenesha. This little girl ran and hid in the bedroom and pulled a piece of curtain that was at the entrance of the door. I eventually managed to get her attention—with a bright smile on her face she came and sat next to me on the couch. She exclaimed that she wanted a “big dolly” for her Christmas present.The children – Kevin, Jamal, Farisha, Tenesha, Tarisha, Arvin – all get along well with each other. And according to them, their only wish is for their “daddy to come back home.” They told me that the older Pollard was a very loving, caring and responsible man, who would always look out for them.Jamal, 18,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, is the father of a beautiful baby girl. He explained that he would not be celebrating Christmas this year. He said that things have changed since his father passed away and he is not feeling the Christmas spirit.Envil Pollard was really the driving force that kept his family alive, especially around the holidays. Nonetheless, Jamal told me that his relatives overseas would usually send parcels for them around the festive season, and this year was no different.From Left: Jamal, Arvin holding his niece,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, Tarisha, Farisha, Tenesha (centre) with her nieceHowever, his mother told me that she will take part in this year’s festivities. The woman explained to me that she will decorate her home, but wished her husband was alive to help. She recalled that he was a very loving man and would help with painting the home and arranging the furniture.She assured me that she will prepare food for her children and ensure they have a merry time.Out of curiosity, I inquired if they were going to decorate the home, but was greeted with some sad faces by the kids. The house had no decoration not even a Christmas wreath on the door or a tree with fairy lights.Twelve-year-old Farisha told me that she wanted Santa to bring her an iPad. She said that her family normally cooks “fancy” food on the big day and they would open gifts. She went on to say, “if I had one wish, I would wish for my father to come back. I miss him very much because he was a very good man.”Farisha recalled that when her dad was alive he used to take the family out to buy chicken and ice cream. She added that he would also read them bedtime stories. Sharing similar sentiments to her sister was Tenesha. She said that her father was “a good man” and she misses him a lot. While,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, this young lady has no big plans for the Christmas, she told me that she will assist her mother with cooking and cleaning.I spoke with 14-year-old Arvin last. He also told me that all he wanted for Christmas was for his father to come back home. He sat on a chair handle and told me that he wanted a pair of headphones for Christmas. The young man said that the item costs $3,500. He appeared elated as he spoke with me about what he desired.From all observations, these children were trying their best to muster enthusiasm for the season. I know it will be difficult. Before I left the premises,wholesale jerseys, I wished them all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. They responded with delightful smiles and wished me the same.I wholeheartedly desire for this family to be granted more unity, strength and hope as they celebrate the birth of Christ and usher in the new year,NFL Jerseys Cheap, which I’m sure will be filled with nothing but the best for them.

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