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發表於 2017-3-11 04:16:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A prisoner is nursing a chop wound to his head following an attack by at least two other inmates of the Georgetown prisons.The injured prisoner Patrick Chad Coates was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital on Saturday morning,Drew Butera Team Italy Jersey, minutes after he was attacked inside the Camp Street facility.The incident occurred just after 5:00hrs in the Old Capital Section of the prison,Josh Harrison Team USA Jersey, reportedly after Coates allegedly took weed into the Camp Street Prison for someone to sell to prisoners.  However,Luke Gregerson Team USA Jersey, according to a source,Francisco Rodriguez Team Venezuela Jersey, he did not deliver the package and allegedly told his attackers that he got busted by prison officials.His attackers did not believe the story and they waited until he fell asleep and attacked him,Christian Yelich Team USA Jersey, chopping him to his head and about his body.Kaieteur News understands that prison authorities have since placed two inmates,Nate Jones Team USA Jersey, who they suspect to be involved in the chopping,Leonel Campos Team Venezuela Jersey, into the “Strong Cell”.  One of the two was recently given a sentence of 46 six years for murder.Following the incident,Deolis Guerra Team Venezuela Jersey, prison officials raided the facility and several cutlasses and cellular phones were confiscated.Meanwhile prison authorities have reportedly whisked away murder accused Jermaine Otto to an unknown location without notifying his family.He is suspected to be the man behind a number of recent attacks within the prison. Recently Otto was among several prisoners who protested by burning newspapers to get media attention. On that occasion Otto shouted out that he is in the jail for a murder that he did not commit and that a Constable (name given) “wanted to take me to a “Strong Cell” for another prisoner to chop me up. He say how the OC want to see me but I get to understand that it was a lie and he wanted to feed me to the prisoners. ”

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