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–    driver leaves victim in a taxi without paying fareOn the night of April 24 last,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, a mother of one had just left her workplace and was heading home to her family when a speeding car struck her down on the East Coast Demerara Public Road around 09:15pm.Aneatta Bagot,Chile Jersey, a security guard attached to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) was standing on the Enterprise Public Road,wholesale jerseys, East Coast Demerara (ECD) in the vicinity of (Enterprise turn) when a speeding car,wholesale jerseys china, PRR 3515 struck her and drove away.Luckily,cheap nfl jerseys china, the car’s rear-view mirror with its registration number fell off at the accident scene and a driver who saw what transpired collected the number and followed the driver.The driver was later identified as Mark Ross.He was demanded to return to the accident scene and take the injured woman to the hospital but instead,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, he dropped her off at a taxi service on Sheriff Street and disappeared without paying the taxi fare.Bagot told Kaieteur News that she paid her own taxi fare and went to the hospital. There she found out that she suffered a fractured right wrist and a fractured left foot along with lacerations to her body.The woman recalled, “I was waiting to cross the road, a police car passed first, then came another car. The car that hit me was the third car. All I remember was that I was standing on the road and this car passed. I hear a loud noise and the next thing I realized I was on the ground and he drove away.”According to Bagot, she was given two weeks sick leave but every time she visits the hospital for a checkup,NFL Jerseys Cheap, her time away from work increases. She is the only breadwinner for her home. According to the 38-year-old woman, she reported the matter to the Vigilance Police Station and the police managed to contact the driver.“We went to the station and the police told us to go outside and come to an agreement. The driver told me that he will give me $20,000 and I told him I can’t accept that and both of us left,” Bagot claimed.She said that it has been over one month since she has been home on sick leave and she has not got any information from the police. Neither has the driver tried to contact her.

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