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發表於 2017-3-12 17:59:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Partnership for National Unity Parliamentarian Volda Lawrence has stated that this year’s budget falls woefully short of addressing the many social issues of society. Hence she said that her Party will not allow the Administration to give the spoils of the sweat and hard work of ordinary citizen to the friends and families of the Government.“We therefore will carefully attend to the appropriations as allocated in the estimates,” Ms. Lawrence reiterated.Pointing out some of the many social issues, Ms. Lawrence said the issue of child labour should be addressed promptly. She said sooner rather than later some organization will report negatively on Guyana’s continued breach of the International Labour Organization’s Convention 182,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, the worst form of child labour. She pointed out that the laws of Guyana provide that no child under 15 years must be employed and that persons 15-18 years can work,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, but this work must not be injurious to the health and safety of the worker.Yet today she says as one travels the streets of Georgetown and those areas where there is a high degree of economic activity one would observe a great number of children who ought to be in school working as shop attendants, porters, vendors with entertainment bands, restaurants and on construction sites.She added that the depressing reality is that in most instances the parents or guardians are well aware of the child’s working life and benefit from the rewards. “Apart from breaching the conventions, many of these children become uncontrollable and find themselves in conflict with the law, bringing undue pressure to the already choked social system.“While it is my belief that no representative of this honourable house would condone such infringement on the Right of the Child, it does not in any way release them from taking action whenever they come into contact with such situations”. Lawrence beckoned the Ministers responsible for both Human Services and Education to remedy this situation.Touching on other social issues Ms. Lawrence sought to use statistics showing that in 2009 there were almost 900 cases of child abuse reported, in 2010,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, 3400 cases, in 2011 the figures surpassed 4000 cases.“Of these cases more than 50 percent have been committed in Region Four while Regions Three, Five, Six,Chile Jersey, and Ten range between six to 16 percent”. What is more mind boggling,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china,  Lawrence said, are incidences which have not been reported and those that continue to take place and go unreported given the geography of the other regions. “Our children have fallen victim to various types of abuse,cheap nfl jerseys china, physical, sexual, verbal, neglect and abandonment to mention a few”. She brought the House’s attention to the fact that statistics reveal that the majority of abused children are of primary school ages followed by those at the secondary level, particularly those not attending school. She added that many of these children are taken out of their homes and sent to live with other family members since the perpetrators to a large extent are parents, relatives and step- parents.She stressed that even with the passing of specific legislations to address the plight of children the abuse continues unabated. This,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, she says, “leaves us with the task of finding other mechanisms whereby we can successfully address this crime inflicted upon our future generation.”“There is that adage that “every male can father but not all males can be a father…the values which we were known to embrace as a people have changed dramatically…we are obligated as leaders to ensure that those who are given the opportunity to be mothers and fathers are given the knowledge and understand their responsibility and we must ensure that they are dealt with in accordance with the law.However, Lawrence said that the government must be willing to give the assistance where the legitimate need exists. “Specific efforts must be made to ensure the equitable distribution of the national wealth to our people”.

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