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[足球] Cheap Authentic Jerseys nxgwy3o1









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發表於 2017-3-12 18:52:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Aretha Murray,NFL Jerseys Cheap, a 35-year-old mother of two is calling on the authorities at the Linden Hospital as well as officials at the Ministry of Health to investigate the circumstances surrounding her giving birth to a still-born.The Canvas City,Adam Jones Orioles Jersey, Wismar resident explained that she was admitted to the hospital complex at around 7:00hrs two Sundays ago,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, and was repeatedly examined by the doctor and nurses.However, she related at around noon, another nurse was placed in charge and the constant examination ceased.The nurse, she said, had been deeply engrossed in a conversation with a gentleman, refusing to pay attention to her and the other three expectant mothers in the ward.“She wasn’t coming to check we, she was gaffing with a man,” Murray told this newspaperThe woman added that after a few hours, she started experiencing pains, indicating that the baby was ready to be delivered. She said that since she could not get the attention of the nurse in charge, she pleaded with another nurse to examine her.However, she said that that nurse consulted the one in charge who after finally breaking off from her conversation, started to insult her.“When she was coming towards me she telling me that me ain’t ready yet,WBC Jerseys 2017, and that I just want she push, push she finger in me. She told me that the doctor said that I won’t be ready till after a couple of hours,wholesale jerseys china, and that she should check me only every four hours.”Murray, who was in pain at the time, said that she was constantly being insulted by the nurse, but after listening to many insults, was finally tended to.“The nurse then carry me to the theatre and they operate on me.”The saddened woman said that although she was being continuously insulted, she was particularly hurt when she delivered a still born, and the nurse’s response was “If I know is this I coming to deliver I wouldn’t have come”.Murray told Kaieteur News that after complaining to the doctor, she learnt that her baby could have been saved if it was delivered sooner.The distraught woman added that the doctor also revealed to her that he told the nurse to examine her every few minutes and not every four hours, as she had already given birth to two children.“The doctor said that he tell the woman to check me regularly,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, because I make two children already,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, and did not need to wait much.”The distraught woman is currently in the process of writing a report which she intends to submit to the Minister of Health and the Chief Executive Officer for the Linden Hospital Complex.But in the meantime, she wants to make a public call for justice and highlight her dilemma.

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