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發表於 2017-3-12 20:23:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– as Govt. moves to tackle flooding on E.C.D.The construction of pump stations at Hope,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Vigilance and Lusignan villages on the East Coast of Demerara will be among major projects that the Ministry of Agriculture has on its 2017 drainage and irrigation agenda.Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder stated during the consideration of the 2017 estimates of revenue and expenditure within the Committee of Supply at Public Buildings (Parliament), that the amount budgeted for the Flood Risk Management project in 2017 is $650M.However, this entire amount would not be spent on the construction of the stations. When questioned as to the cost of each station, Holder said that the Lusignan facility will cost $162M; Vigilance,NFL Jerseys Cheap, $105, 152, 000 and Hope,wholesale jerseys, $186, 379, 000.Holder was asked to provide these details after opposition Parliamentarian Dharamkumar Seeraj asked for the figures. In addition, the Minister was asked to give figures for the rehabilitation of sections of East Demerara Water Conservancy embankment, including structures.Holder said that the rehabilitation of the North channels of the EDWC will cost $75M, and structures will cost $20M, bringing the total cost to $95M. The entire project is to be funded by foreign loans or grants. Based on the estimates, a sum of $650M is to be spent in 2017.The particular agency which will provide the funding is International Development Association (IDA), an arm of the World Bank.Minister of Communities, Ronald BulkanAgriculture Minister, Noel HolderThis is part of the Flood Risk Management Project (FRMP). According to the details of the project as seen by this publication, bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding process as specified by the World Bank’s guidelines under IBRD Loans and IDA credits. It is open to eligible bidders in the procurement guidelines.Additionally, outside of this project,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, the Ministry has budgeted money for the construction of drainage structures. Fifteen million has been allocated for the excavation of the outfall channel at Number 51 Village,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, East Berbice, Corentyne.Further, sums have been allocated for the completion of building and revetment at the Hope Canal, East Demerara Water Conservancy and the provision for a solar system and gate at head regulator. To complete these works, $48M has been budgeted.For the procurement of drainage pumps and institutional strengthening, $10M has been allocated. For the EDWC also,wholesale jerseys china, $135M has been budgeted to finance the retention of services and the provision for equipment, supervision and management at the facility.For Berbice, several areas will benefit from drainage and irrigation interventions at a number of key locations in both Regions Five and Six.During the consideration of estimates of revenue and expenditure for 2017, Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan said that over $257M has been budgeted to finance drainage and irrigation works in region six, East Berbice, Corentyne.Bulkan, after being questioned on the allocations which his Ministry has made,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, informed the Committee of Supply last week that monthly maintenance work will be carried out in the Yakusari main drain. Similar work will be carried out in the communities of Crabwood Creek, Joanna and Hogstye.Maintenance of canals will be done in 53 areas, including #19 Village, Fyrish and Rosehall and Lesbeholden. Additionally, there will be excavation of sluices at the Liverpool outfall, Whim outfall, Letter Kenny and Bell West which will also see repairs to revetments.A separate allocation was made for drainage and irrigation works in the fuel which will be greater in 2017 than 2016 to supply six large Kobelco excavators, 37 mini excavators and drainage pumps in areas such as Buruma, Liverpool and Eversham.In Region Five, allocations have been made for the construction of drainage structures and sluices at Davis, Grass Hook, Perth and Strath Campbell villages. Drainage channels will undergo rehabilitation of channels at Perth/Babu and Cottage/Planter’s Hall communities.

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