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發表於 2017-3-12 21:06:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Fifth formers suspendedThe administrators of President’s College have suspended two Fifth Form students following the circulation of a video of them having sex in the school’s Home Economics Department.The shocking video was brought to the administrators of the school by fellow students who managed to obtain it clandestinely by downloading it from the laptop of the male student involved.Kaieteur News understands that the video was circulated to several students of the school and even to residents of the village of Golden Grove on the East Coast of Demerara,Jake Browning Washington Jersey, where Guyana’s only live-in secondary institution is located.According to sources in the school, from all appearances the female involved in the episode had given consent for the video to be made.This newspaper managed to see some footage of the five-minute video in which the parties are observed engaging in oral and penetrative sex. It also has a production name,West Virginia Mountaineers Jerseys, ‘(Nicky) does the dirtiest thing’.The students involved,Cheap Syracuse Orange Jerseys, one of whom hails from Berbice and the other from Tuschen,Washington State Cougars Jerseys, West Coast Demerara,Joe Paterno Penn Jersey, were suspended for one week.A Ministry of Education official confirmed that the matter was being dealt with,John Elway Stanford Jersey, but stated that more drastic action was not contemplated because of the upcoming CSEC examinations which will be written in a few months’ time.But the move is not going down well with other students and staff who are of the view that the video has scandalized the high profile boarding secondary institution.“These students should not be allowed to be in the dorms…and what about the teacher responsible for the area that this act took place? These children had the keys to the department,” a source at the school told this newspaper.According to the source, this is not the first time that students of the school have been caught having sex with each other on the premises. On one occasion, a female student left the school for good after she was scolded for engaging in the act in one of the dorms.Sex in schools is reportedly becoming a major headache for education officials across the country.Then there is the fact that it not only involves students,Russell Wilson Wisconsin Jersey, but teachers as well.A few weeks ago, a teacher was charged after he allegedly recorded himself having sex with one of his female students.

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