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Nick Fanti Italy Jersey qpaevnso









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發表於 2017-3-13 05:16:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“Even though locking up this man would not bring back Kellon,Josh Naylor Team Canada Jersey, it would surely give us some kind of comfort to know that justice is served,Ender Inciarte Team Venezuela Jersey,” said Vibert Hunte who lost his nephew to a late afternoon accident.On August 13,Team USA Baseball Jerseys, six-year-old Kellon Europe was fatally struck down by a minibus on Mandela Avenue,Eduardo Rodriguez Team Venezuela Jersey, near the South Ruimveldt Shopping Plaza Bridge.Reports in several sections of the media indicated that the lad and his older sister were walking “in the corner” when a speeding minibus struck him down.The driver of the route 72 minibus, BMM 7207, was identified as Mark Gobin.Eyewitnesses reported that, initially, they thought the bus had hit both children. Gobin was subsequently charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and breach of insurance. Hunte,Jessen Therrien Team Canada Jersey, speaking on behalf of the bereaved family,Jeanmar Gomez Team Venezuela Jersey, said that they are still seeking closure.“To know you lost your loved one is painful but to know that their death went unpaid just makes it worse,” said Hunte.He pointed to the fact that on August 20, Richard Mohamed had swerved from a car and slammed into a pickup,Wil Ledezma Team Venezuela Jersey, resulting in the death of his father,John Axford Team Canada Jersey, and has since been charged with causing death by dangerous driving.“What happen to our loss? Don’t they see it relevant?” he asked. The man added,Ryan Kellogg Team Canada Jersey, “This man break a child hand, foot and ribs and no charges for that; what is really going on?”A senior officer in the Police Traffic Department had advised that the family needs to ensure all necessary statements are made to the East La Penitence Police Station.Hunte said that even the terrified nine-year-old who witnessed the killing of her brother issued her statement to the station. “Still nothing has been done.”

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