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發表於 2017-3-14 00:06:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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— major emphasis on importance of breast milkTaking pride in its baby friendly status, the West Demerara Regional Hospital yesterday afternoon officially kicked off its observance of National Breastfeeding week with a Church Service in its Maternity Ward.Under the theme “Just 10 Steps the Baby Friendly way” the Region Three Breastfeeding Committee spearheaded the activity, which culminated with a presentation of hampers to new mothers who were patients in the ward at the time.Dr Ravi Persaud (at right) hands over a hamper to a new mother yesterdayAddressing the gathering at the service, Regional Health Officer, Dr Ravi Persaud, emphasised that the Region Three hospital,Team Italy WBC Jerseys, which was the first locally declared baby-friendly hospital in the country,Nick Pivetta Canada Jersey, has been operating on the primary basis of promoting, protecting and supporting the practice of breastfeeding.He highlighted further that not only is breastfeeding best for babies but added that it has been proven that breastfeeding mothers are less prone to ovarian and breast cancers.Breastfed babies, Dr Persaud noted too, are more likely to grow up to be healthy adults with intellect above those that are not breastfed, thereby amplifying the importance of breastfeeding.For this reason, he disclosed that consistent efforts are made to ensure that mothers are not left alone to ensure that babies are breastfed but rather are in receipt of the support of other family members,Daniel Descalso Italy Jersey, including fathers.Fathers,Pat Venditte Italy Jersey, he revealed, have a pivotal role in ensuring that mothers continue to breastfeed their babies, a practice which will more than likely ensure that financial expenses are limited and there is more to deal with health problems.According to the RHO at the Regional Hospital, mothers are continually reminded that breast milk is best and cannot be compared to any other product. And in order to maintain its status as a baby-friendly facility, the 10 steps are continually adhered to by officials at the hospital who have been receiving optimal support from mothers, according to Dr Persaud.Among the 10 steps to ensure baby-friendliness is the availability of a written policy,Kevin Chapman Canada Jersey, appropriate training of staff, informing mothers of the importance of breastfeeding their babies, particularly during the first half of an hour after birth. This practice he revealed helps mother and child to readily create a bond.Also addressing yesterday’s activity was former RHO, Dr Holly Alexander, who cheerfully reminisced on the introduction of the 10 baby-friendly steps to the West Demerara Hospital.She further commended the members of the Committee, who she believes have been instrumental in ensuring that the hospital retains its baby friendly status over the years. Regional Chairman,Andrew Albers Canada Jersey, Julius Faerber also graced the proceedings and revealed that Government has been playing its role in ensuring that the hospital lives up to an acceptable standard. This,Team Venezuela Baseball Jerseys, he said, is evident with the training of sufficient staff and the availability of drugs to ensure that the facility operates optimally.Breastfeeding activities will continue throughout this week at hospitals across the country.These will include educational talks geared at sensitising both staffers and patients,Sam Dyson USA Jersey, exhibitions and workshops, road marches and other outreach activities.Meanwhile, the Georgetown Hospital, which will also be engaged in a number of activities this week,Drew Maggi Italy Jersey, has revealed plans to have that facility achieve a baby-friendly status by this year end.

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