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發表於 2017-3-14 02:17:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As a result of a meeting held between residents of Subryanville and the Board of the Central Planning and Housing Authority (CPHA) on Thursday, over the construction of a three-storey commercial building in the residential area, the residents have decided to take legal action against the CPHA and the developer, who is said to be the proprietor of Steve’s Jewellery.Kaieteur News understands that, at the meeting, the Board of the CPHA begged the residents to give them a few more days to sort out the construction issue before taking any action,Wholesale Jerseys, but according to the residents,WBC Jerseys 2017, they have been pursuing the issue for a long time now, and it is about time that something seriously be done about the issue.The residents are now moving to file an injunction to stop construction of the building.This newspaper was told that, at the meeting, the CPHA could not give the residents an official explanation as to who exactly gave the developer permission to construct a commercial building. There was a move to lay the blame on City Hall.The board told the residents that the plan was approved in accordance with the Greater Georgetown Development Plan.The commercial establishment was initially planned to house a hardware store and a restaurant and bar, much to the disagreement of the residents.However, residents told this newspaper that they were informed that the building will now house a diner along with a restaurant and bar.Last October, when the issue of the illegal construction came to light,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, officials from the CPHA halted construction of the building and requested that the developer reduce the size of the building,Chile Jersey, that the building be positioned centrally at the site, with ingress and egress from Sheriff Street, and that provision be made for on-site parking on the southern and northern sides of the site,Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey, as this is consistent with the requirements of the Greater Georgetown Development Plan.Residents are of the view that their community is a residential one,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, and it is totally illegal for anyone to establish a commercial entity there.The residents fear that if such a business is to be established in the area, then it might draw the attention of criminals, and may even introduce violence to the community.

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