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Jagdeo to meet Kamla today…– Trinidad Express President Bharrat Jagdeo is expected to hold talks today with Trinidad and Tobago’s newly sworn-in Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, on a number of issues, including the prospect of relocating the aluminium smelter plant initially proposed for La Brea to Guyana.President Bharrat JagdeoAccording to a news report in yesterday’s Trinidad Express, the discussions are expected to centre around the aluminium smelter, ethanol and hydro-electricity. Jagdeo was expected to fly in from Canada last evening, where he was on government business with his Minister of Housing,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, Irfaan Ali.Press Secretary of the twin island republic, Garvin Nicholas,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, on Monday confirmed that Jagdeo would be flying in and that a meeting was “tentatively scheduled” with the Prime Minister for 15:00 hrs today. Nicholas could not say what the talks would be about.However, sources told the Express that Persad-Bissessar wants to examine the feasibility of relocating the aluminium smelter plant to Guyana. Apart from the vast amounts of land that Guyana has,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey UK, it also produces bauxite, the raw material from which aluminium is made. The other key ingredient in the manufacture of aluminium is natural gas, which Trinidad and Tobago has. And it was because that country processed this second ingredient that it had embarked on the project in the first place,jerseys from china, the Express said in the report yesterday.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, the project has been stalled pending the outcome of an appeal,Andrew Desjardins Jersey, after the High Court found the Certificate of Environmental Clearance given by the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) was deficient because it failed to consider a number of things. The EMA has appealed that judgement and the Appeal Court’s decision is pending.T&T Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-BissessarBut informed sources said that any cancellation of the project could cost T&T dearly. The last government entered into several agreements, including a loan agreement for US$400 million with Exim Bank of China, to facilitate the construction of the project.But the vocal anti-smelter lobby in Trinidad & Tobago is resolute in its opposition to the establishment of a plant there.Furthermore, the People’s Partnership has on the election platform been consistently saying that there would be no smelter in Trinidad and Tobago.And since its victory, Housing Minister Roodal Moonilal has reiterated this position.“We have said before that there will be no smelter. This is the position. Until and unless all the parties to this dispute can arrive at a consensus as to the need for such a development policy and assure the nation on the health and safety issues,jerseys nfl wholesale, there will be no smelter in Trinidad and Tobago,” he said.

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