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發表於 2017-3-14 15:41:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    two others still on the runOne bandit is in police custody while his two accomplices are still on the run after committing a robbery at the Survival Supermarket, Sheriff Street,Atlanta Falcons Jersey,Nabbed Survival Supermarket bandit in police custodyCampbellville branch in the wee hours of yesterday morning.The name of the detained bandit is currently unknown, but it is said that the other two managed to escape on foot with a large sum of cash.This publication understands that the bandits gained access into the supermarket by cutting through the wire fencing around the compound. The men then used the fire exit stairway to make their way up to the third floor of the shopping complex. They forced through a glass door and into the main office.According to Parshuram Arjune,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, co-owner of Survival Supermarket, he was notified by the head of the building’s security body that bandits were attempting to rob the business via the structure’s top floor, at around 4:30hrs.He immediately found his way to the crime scene where he was told that the gunmen were trapped inside the building.A force comprising the building’s security team and the private security company,Andrew Desjardins Jersey, MMC,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, was then amassed to track down the men within the complex. After confronting the bandits several shots were fired.This newspaper was told that during the commotion two of gunmen were able to evade capture while the other was left behind in the supermarket.By the time police arrived on the scene, Arjune said that his security guard was already in pursuit of the two armed men. Shots were reportedly exchanged between the parties but no one was injured during the ordeal.The exchange did not succeed in slowing down the gunmen, who escaped on foot with the loot in hand.“When we went up to check the office,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey UK, it was completely and totally ransacked,jerseys from china,” said Arjune, who related that three additional black garbage bags of stolen goods were found on the scene. He related that the bags are being used as evidence in the investigation.Arjune said that the company suffered millions of dollars in losses from the robbery,cheap nfl jerseys online, but it is still conducting extensive audits to specify the damages incurred.Survival Supermarket is equipped with many security cameras in and around the complex.  Arjune stated that they captured the entire scenario and are assisting the police with their investigations into the robbery.

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