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NFL Jerseys Outlet for the first time in two decades









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發表於 2017-3-15 22:47:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Government has refused to budge on the May 11 date for General and Regional Elections despite a clash with secondary school examinations and the issue of Parliament not yet being dissolved.On Tuesday, President Donald Ramotar announced the date,jerseys nfl wholesale, triggering immediate concerns that a number of subjects of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) and Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exams that students were sitting could be affected. There were also concerns that Guyana was sailing into uncharted waters as Parliament was not dissolved.There were some calls for the date to be shifted. However, it became clear that the President and the ruling party remained dead-set on May 11.This is because on Wednesday,cheap nfl jerseys, a post on President Ramotar’s Facebook page said that alternative arrangements will be made for the exams.“In regard to the concern that students who are scheduled to sit CXC exams on May 11 will be affected, please note that the Ministry of Education will put adequate systems in place to ensure students are able to sit their exams without disruption by the day’s election activities,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale,” the President said in his Facebook post.In a statement yesterday,cheap nfl jerseys china, the Ministry of Education said that it will be consulting with the Caribbean Examinations Council and other stakeholders on the issue to determine on the way forward.The date has also been questioned by the Guyana Human Rights Association, the National Independent Party, the Guyana Trades Union Congress and the Opposition,wholesale jerseys china, which all said that the President’s failure to dissolve Parliament,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, before he named a date, conflicts with the country’s laws.According to GHRA, Government could effectively use the time to sign deals and other projects that it could use to buy votes.One of the major deals that Government would be targeting is the US$850M Amaila Falls hydro electric project which stumbled after key legislation failed to make it through the Opposition-controlled National Assembly,cheap nfl jerseys online, holding up financial closure.The PPP/C is also sailing in uncharted waters. It failed, for the first time in two decades,wholesale jerseys, in the 2011 elections, to gain control of the National Assembly.With burning questions over spending on a number of key projects, including Amaila Falls, the Specialty Hospital and Marriott Hotel, as well as accusations of corruption against Government officials, the administration has been finding it an uphill task to be assertive in terms of major projects and activities.

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