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發表於 2017-3-22 02:53:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– colleagues manage to swim ashorePolice on the West Coast of Berbice are investigating the circumstances that led to the drowning of a 40-year-old sluice operator attached to the Mahaica-Mahaicony-Abary/Agriculture Development Authority (MMA/ADA).The body of Berkeley Hollingsworth was pulled from an irrigation canal in the predominantly rice farming area sometime around 10:10 hours yesterday.This was a few hours after a boat transporting him and two other workers encountered difficulties and sank.The two other workers managed to swim ashore but Hollingsworth,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey, who reportedly could not swim,Kevin Greene Steelers Jersey, was not so lucky.There are conflicting reports as to how the mishap occurred.One report stated that the bottom of the boat gave way causing it to sink, while another report suggested that the boat had turned over,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey, hurling the passengers into the water.The dead man’s reputed wife,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey, Andrea Archibald, told this newspaper that she was at work when she got a phone call from her mother.“My mother called me and told me to come home now,Ty Montgomery Packers Jersey, ‘yuh husband drown’,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey,” Archibald told this newspaper.She said she immediately hurried home and then went to the Fort Wellington Hospital Mortuary where she confirmed her worst fear.According to Archibald,Lynn Swann Steelers Jersey, Hollingsworth left home as usual at around 06:00 hours yesterday but returned shortly after to leave his bicycle.He was then picked up by a vehicle attached to the MMA and was heading to a sluice to effect some repairs.But the woman is upset that no one from the agency that her husband had been working for has had the courtesy to tell her what transpired, although she met co-workers at the mortuary.“They (MMA officials) are not telling me anything. The police told me that my husband fell out of the boat. You are hearing all kinds of things,” Archibald said last night.She said that although MMA officials stated that the boat was equipped with life jackets,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey, she was made to understand that this was not so.“I feel very bad. I was there with them and they told me nothing about how my husband died,Reggie White Packers Jersey,” the woman lamented.Apart from his wife, Hollingsworth leaves to mourn one child.

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