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[泰拳] Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online West Coast Berbice.The two are Paul Kumar









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發表於 2017-3-22 04:17:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Following the high speed chase in which two bandits were nabbed by police after a failed robbery,Peyton Siva Louisville Jersey, the men were charged and remanded to jail,Cheap Jerseys Store, yesterday.They had attacked businessman Katch’s residence at Bath, West Coast Berbice.The two are Paul Kumar,Tom Brady Michigan Jersey, 44,Jarrett Lee LSU Jersey, of Angoy’s Avenue,Michael Ford LSU Jersey, New Amsterdam,Patrick Peterson LSU Jersey, and of Goed Fortuin,Trey Burke Michigan Jersey, West Bank Demerara; and Richard Semple, 39,Magic Johnson Michigan State Jersey, a taxi driver of Kilcoy Village Corentyne, Berbice. They were not required to plead to the indictable charges.They appeared before Magistrate Rhondel Weaver at the Blairmount Magistrate’s Court on two counts of discharging a loaded firearm with intent to rob and another of assault with intent to rob.They are accused of attempting to rob the businessman and his son on February 13,Jake Long Michigan Jersey, 2014 at Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice.The businessman who has a number of businesses on West Coast Berbice had closed up his business and was about to enter his home sometime between 19:30 hrs and 20:00 hrs when he was accosted by the bandits.He put up a fight causing the bandit to discharge a round. In the meantime ranks from the Fort Wellington Police Station responded promptly.The three bandits who were armed with a shotgun and pistols were force to flee in their getaway vehicle.The cops gave chase in their vehicle forcing the bandits to head over the Berbice River Bridge. The chasing cops radioed for backup and the East Berbice police set up a roadblock on the eastern side of the bridge.The fleeing bandits after crossing the river realised that they were cornered. They abandoned their vehicle and headed into the bushy and swampy area at Palmyra.The driver of the white Toyota Premio motor car PSS 1495 was apprehended while Kumar was nabbed around 04:30 hrs on Friday morning after he made his way out of the swampy area.They have since named another suspect who is the mastermind.The men will have to return to court on March 21.

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