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[泰拳] Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China rebykvt4









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發表於 2017-3-22 17:06:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Buxton,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, East Coast Demerara resident believes that he is being specifically targeted by the police because of his past alleged connections with wanted men who had used the village as a hideout during the 2002-2007 crime wave.Delroy Jack, who is also known as ‘Pan Head’, had some of his hair torn out by the root and was thrown into the Vigilance Police Station lock-ups over the weekend before he was released without charge.Jack, whose image had appeared among those of several wanted men from the now dismantled Buxton/ Agricola gang, is fearful that his continued presence in the once troubled village where he lives with his reputed wife, could be harmful especially since a particular police rank appears to have singled him out.Jack told this newspaper that he was sitting at a shop in Vigilance with a few other persons last Saturday night when a police mobile patrol pulled up.He said some of the persons at the shop, not wanting to be detained by the police decided to run away, but he decided to stay since he had done nothing wrong.According to Jack, an Inspector of Police whom he named approached the rest of the group and demanded to know who was riding the two bicycles that were parked near the shop. He said that the officer picked up the two bicycles and threw them into the police vehicle. Jack got into trouble when he objected to the policeman attempting to search him.“He come and say leh he search we, without asking we fuh put we hand in de air, nor he ain’t exposing wha he got in he hand. I tell he leh me empty me pocket me self. I didn’t want he push he hand in me pocket.”Jack said that his position angered the policeman who began using expletives.“With the passion he deh in he hold me by me head and pull out me hair. He accuse me of selling weed but I didn’t answer he, I just go in the vehicle because by the hair pull out, me head hurting me,” Jack related.He said that the policeman even picked up his cellular phone and a television remote control which had fallen to the ground despite his protestations.He was subsequently taken to the Vigilance Police Station Lock-ups where he remained until he was released on Tuesday afternoon.“On to today me ain’t see back the officer who lock me up, nor I don’t know wha I get lock up for. How the policeman so anxious fuh lock me up, he even put me in the loc-ups with me belt on. That ain’t supposed to happen,” Jack told Kaieteur News yesterday.He said that after lying on the cold concrete of the lock-ups he is now forced to seek medical attention.Apart from the previous suspicions the police had about his involvement with the Buxton/Agricola gang, Jack, a television technician, has had no previous serious brushes with the law.He indicated that he is presently repairing equipment for a senior police rank at the Criminal Investigations Department.“I got two TV for the CID and I can’t finish the work because I get lock up,” Jack said.He said that while in custody, several police ranks enquired of him why he was there and he could not give them an explanation.Jack is appealing to the administration of the force to do whatever is necessary to halt the unnecessary harassment on himself as well as several other youths in the Buxton/Friendship community.

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