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發表於 2017-3-23 02:11:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The palm tree which is synonymous with the tourism industry in the Caribbean is under threat from a small red mite that has taken root and is severely affecting palm trees across the Caribbean Basin.It was revealed by a scientist on Tuesday, at a symposium on invasive species in Miami,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey, that the Red Palm Mite,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey, which is believed to have first arrived in the Caribbean in 2003, could now be found in 12 Caribbean islands, Venezuela and two counties in the US State of Florida.The tiny mite is a pest of coconut and ornamental palms, with the former being heavily used by the local population as an economic enterprise and the latter used to adorn many hotels and to a lesser extent, private homes in the Caribbean.In a presentation at the US Department of Agriculture programme for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Research,Julian Edelman Patriots Jersey, T-STAR, sponsored symposium on invasive species,Andre Tippett Patriots Jersey, Red Palm Mite expert Dr Amy Roda revealed that coconut growers in the affected countries were reporting a 70 percent reduction in yield.In a study in which experts from the Caribbean and Florida participated, it was further revealed that to date efforts at controlling this pest had not reaped significant results.Dr Roda informed that the Red Palm Mite starts its attack on the small lower hung leaves on palm trees and once it has had its fill it moves to the more mature leaves causing a yellowing of the leaves of the affected trees.She added that officials in the affected countries have experimented with mainly two treatment methods,Steve Grogan Patriots Jersey, namely pesticides and natural enemies but neither had met with much success.She,Tevin Coleman Falcons Jersey, however,DeAngelo Williams Steelers Jersey, stressed that efforts would continue on both fronts as a means of managing the pest.The scientist was of the opinion that affected countries needed to combine their efforts and share expertise in dealing with Red Palm Mite. She revealed that with increase in tourist trade the Red Palm Mite is being unknowingly moved across national borders in souvenirs made out of palm,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey, in particular green palm.She informed that Florida had developed cooperation mechanism with cruise line officials and as a result cruise line passengers were “voluntarily declaring souvenirs made from palms when their boats dock at the port and before they actually leave the roads.”The issue of the Red Palm Mite has started to attract increasing attention among plant specialists with an increasing number of studies taking place and with the formation of a Working Group on the pest with membership from the affected countries.The group will be meeting within the margins of the CFCS Meeting.The increased attention stems from the reality that palms, both coconut and ornamental,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey, do play an important role in the economies of Caribbean countries and therefore efforts must be made to stem the tide of destruction.The seriousness of the Red Palm Mite disease was also recognized by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Plant Health officials at their inaugural meeting in Guyana in April this year.They concluded that coconuts were an important part of the economic life of the Caribbean as many countries had established industries based on the consumption of coconut water by nationals and tourists.They added that if the onset of invasive species such as the Red Palm Mite which affects palms was not dealt with on a continuous basis, the effect could be devastating. (CARICOM Secretariat)

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