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發表於 2017-3-23 08:31:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Justice Claudette Singh Significant effort is being placed on the judicial sector in Guyana in order to tackle decades old problems says former Judge Claudette Singh. Singh in a recent interview with this newspaper identified several new features which are all under the justice sector reform project.She explained that the justice sector reform strategy, which has heralded the (Modernization of the Justice Administration) MJAS Project, is one feature being adapted. According to Singh, it was finalized in early 2006 following a number of revisions during the process of its development in 2005.The MJAS Program was designed as a hybrid facility comprising a policy-based component supported by a Policy-Based Loan (PBL) of US$15 million and an investment and technical support component supported by an investment loan of US$10 million.Justice Claudette SinghJustice Singh said that the document is reflective of the government’s decision to adopt a systemic and sector wide approach to reform in general, and it is also part of an overall policy framework. Singh said that has been conceived within the framework of the country’s overarching policy paper–the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.The former judge explained that the strategy was developed on the basis of widespread consultation that comprised of persons in the Non-Government Organizations and Justice Sector Institutions including the  courts, prisons, probation,  police, private sector representatives, NGO and civil society representatives; academics and donors.She said workshops were held throughout the country, namely in Georgetown, Whim, Suddie, New Amsterdam and Vreed-en-Hoop. In addition, Singh said two seminars were undertaken, one for the Bar Association in Berbice and one for the Judges in Georgetown. She said that these workshops enabled a wide range of interest groups to discuss pertinent issues concerning the administration of justice. Moreover, she noted that the consultations confirmed a number of challenges that beleaguered both the civil and criminal justice systems.She said that these  included public concern about rising levels of crime and violence, backlogs and delays in the Magistrates and High Court; quality of case presentation, poor facilities in court, police stations and prisons, perceived inadequate performance of Magistrates and Judges; prisoners being held on remand awaiting trial for many years; low awareness of citizens of their rights and responsibilities; poor access to justice for the poor and vulnerable; little victim care; outdated court rules; limited access to alternative dispute resolutions multiple adjournments use of outdated procedures; delays of up to seven years for a case to be completed; delays in handing down decisions, and use of outdated procedures.Justice Singh told Kaieteur News that these challenges have impacted the lives of people living in Guyana in several ways, pointing to the long-lasting trauma experienced by victims of crime,Daniel Descalso Italy Jersey, those who live in fear of crime and those who are unable to access the system to claim their legal rights.She noted that deficiencies in the justice system also have an impact on Guyana’s economic development since the growth of private sector is stymied as a result of the perception within and without Guyana that levels of crime are high, contributing to weak economic growth.In addition, she said there are a number of systemic and cross cutting issues that go to the heart of the delivery of justice, impacting on all of the institutions in the justice system. These are deficiencies in financial and human resources; weak cooperation, coordination and communication between institutions’ limited access to justice, especially for the poor and most vulnerable in society and the general decline in public trust in the justice system. These issues are best addressed through a sectoral approach.

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