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發表於 2017-3-23 17:37:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A man who has been identified as the mastermind and getaway driver in a number of recent robberies in Berbice and who was recently released on bail, has been charged with being in possession of arms and ammunition.Antonio Orlando Morgan, called ‘Anthony Morgan’, ‘High Grade’ and ‘Rasta’ was on Monday, refused bail and remanded to jail by Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus when he appeared before her at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s court to answer two charges.Morgan is accused of,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, on Monday January 12,NFL Jerseys Outlet, last, at Chesney Front, Corentyne, Berbice,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, being in possession of one .32 Rossi Revolver without being in possession of a licence. He is accused of, on the same day, being in possession of five live rounds of .32 ammunition without being the holder of a licence.Police Prosecutor Sergeant Phillip Sheriff told the court that the accused had rented a car, PPP 1505, from a car rental service at 277 Chesney, Corentyne, on December 2.He had paid a sum of money on two occasions and was to have returned the car. His rental was in default for over two weeks when the car was intercepted. The matter was reported by the owner.Subsequently around 23:00 hrs on December 23, the police were on patrol on the Whim Public Road when they stopped the car which was being driven by Morgan with three other suspicious persons inside. Two of them were ex-soldiers. The slow-moving vehicle was stopped and the men were asked to disembark. Checks of the vehicle revealed a chopper hidden among some clothing. The clothing included numerous long sleeve shirts, socks and kerchiefs.The three ex-military men are all from Georgetown. During interrogation,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the men according to reports, all gave conflicting reports. They stated that they hired the taxi in Georgetown. Morgan had stated that he did not know the men and had picked them up as passengers from Georgetown. The men were subsequently released and the car impounded. The vehicle was subsequently returned to the owner.However acting upon information, the police subsequently returned to the car rental service and conducted a thorough search of the vehicle and unearthed the .32 Rossi revolver and five live rounds concealed in the upholstery of the roof of the vehicle. The owner had told investigators that after he collected the vehicle from the station it was not used again.Morgan was also recently charged with five others in connection with a robbery which allegedly occurred on January 7,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, on the Black Bush Polder access road. He was identified as the getaway driver.He was also charged with being the mastermind and getaway driver in the failed robbery that occurred on January 3, at Cromarty, Corentyne, Berbice.   During that incident one of the bandits was burnt by the occupants of the house.Morgan and the others were granted bail when they appeared in court on those matters. He will have to return to court on January 27,cheap nfl jerseys online, next, at the Whim Magistrate’s Court.

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