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發表於 2017-3-24 06:11:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police on the Essequibo Coast and officers attached to an outpost at Buck Hall, Essequibo River were alerted to be on the lookout for a Vilvordeen man, who allegedly doused his paramour, Tameshwarie Narharry, also known as Shantie Mohamed, with gasoline before setting the couple’s rented two-flat house alight.This happened early Wednesday morning, at Zorg market dam. The 52-year-old man,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, who was identified as Patrick Seepaul, of Vilvordeen, went into hiding.About 18:00 hours, yesterday, the body of Patrick Seepaul was found at Zorg, Essequibo Coast, the police said. He was believed to have consumed poison, according to a statement.The body is at the Suddie Hospital mortuary awaiting a PME.Patrick Seepaul was suspected to have set fire to the dwelling house of Tameshwarie Narharry, 50 , of Zorg, with whom he shared a relationship, at about 0500h. yesterday.The upper flat of the building was destroyed and Tameshwarie Narharry suffered burns about the body. She has been admitted to the GPHC.Mohamed’s relatives are convinced that Seepaul doused Mohamed with gasoline, then proceeded to throw gasoline in the interior of the house before setting the building alight.One of Mohamed’s relatives recalled the injured woman exclaiming that she felt something being thrown on her during her sleep, Wednesday morning.Neighbours who successfully contained the fire to the burning building spoke of smelling gasoline around the burnt out house.An officer attached to the Anna Regina Fire Service concluded that their primary findings are that the building was set alight.Shantie Mohamed, 51, has been admitted to the Burns Unit, at the Georgetown Public Hospital. She sustained first degree burns to her lower body. Mohamed’s family was unable to salvage any of their household equipment since the fire spread quickly.Sheerda Mohamed, a mother of four young daughters, was unhurt during the fire. She recalled retiring to bed minutes after 20:00 hours, Tuesday night.The Abram-Zuil Secondary School student, who is currently unable to attend School because she has lost her School uniforms, bags, books and computer in the fire, added that her mother and her common-law husband, Seepaul, had no disagreement as far as she recalled. However after retiring to bed Tuesday evening, she saw Seepaul venturing to the bottom flat.The younger Mohamed said that she was awakened by her mother’s screams of fire!  Swift efforts to exit the engulfed building took prompt effect. Shereeda said that she assisted her mother, who was severely burnt, out of the building.“Mommy only had on her underwear, so I had to grab for a sheet to cover her and get her out of the burning building.”Mohamed was conscious while being transported to the Hospital.Saywarie Persaud, Mohamed’s sister, said that early Wednesday morning she received a phone call from another relative informing her of the fire. Persaud, who was in the height of preparing to offer prayers, indicated that she had to abandon what she was doing and run up the road.Persaud said that doctors at Suddie told her that her sister sustained first degree burns from her neck downwards.Persaud is of the opinion that if Mohamed’s son, Wasim Karoon, had slept at home, Seepaul probably would have had to rethink his actions. Mohamed is the mother of four.

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