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發表於 2017-3-24 10:38:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police yesterday detained four women after raiding the Old England, Wismar house where alleged gunman Orlando Thom launched his attack on Sunday.Kaieteur News understands that the occupants were taken into custody after police reportedly found a quantity of marijuana on the premises.They have been detained at the Mackenzie Police Station.E and F Division Commander,Jonathan Drouin Lightning Jersey, Assistant Police Commissioner David Ramnarine confirmed that persons had been arrested but said he was uncertain whether the arrests were related to the search for Thom.He said that police have intensified their search for the fugitive,Anton Stralman Lightning Jersey, who is wanted for a number of other offences.Police sources said that Thom is on a vendetta which is linked to the October 2010 murder of Wismar resident Orlando Mc Pherson, whose body was found with gunshot wounds at Seven Miles,Maurice Richard Canadiens Jersey, Ituni.Mc Pherson’s death is suspected to be drug-related.Thom,Daniel Sprong Penguins Jersey, a former national swimmer,Alexei Emelin Canadiens Jersey, is alleged to have riddled a vehicle with bullets just after midnight on Sunday,Eddie Giacomin Rangers Jersey, after attempting to force his way into a home at Old England. The house is occupied by Sukraj Fredericks and his reputed wife, Anita Walton.Ms. Walton had told Kaieteur News that she was awakened shortly after midnight by a loud banging on the door.She said her husband then got up and braced the door, for almost half an hour as the banging continued.According to her,Walt Tkaczuk Rangers Jersey, the individual ran down the steps,Beau Bennett Penguins Jersey, and gunfire erupted shortly after. They later observed bullet holes in her reputed husband’s vehicle.Sukraj’s father, Archilus Fredericks, said that Sukraj identified the gunman as Orlando Thom, who is the nephew of the elder Fredericks.Mr. Fredericks alleged that Thom wants to kill both of his sons.He claims that Thom turned up at his house some days ago fully dressed in military garb,Max Pacioretty Canadiens Jersey, and carrying a ‘big gun’. The fugitive reportedly said that he was carrying the firearm “for protection” and that he “had to be prepared.”Police had put out a bulletin for Thom after he was implicated in the abduction of a resident of Nottinghamshire. The victim was released unharmed. Sources claimed that Thom had actually intended to kidnap Kemraj Fredericks, the brother of Sukraj Fredericks.

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