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發表於 2017-3-24 21:52:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Nearly six years after feces was thrown into his face,Doug Gilmour Jersey, popular newspaper columnist and social activist Freddie Kissoon now feels that he will get justice.This was after two men, including a former employee of the Office of the President under Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar, and a People’s Progressive Party Civic security man, confessed yesterday to committing the vile act on May 24, 2010.The men, Shawn Hinds, Jason Abdullah and O’Kenie Fraser, who are being held in connection with the Courtney Crum-Ewing murder, also told detectives that the Kissoon attack was planned and organised by Kwame McCoy, the former Information Liaison to the two former presidents.Although it came almost six years later, the revelations did not come as a surprise,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, since it was always felt that elements of the PPPC administration had a hand in the attack on Kissoon, who was at the time,Niklas Backstrom Jersey, one of their fiercest critics.On the day in question, Kissoon had just emerged from Nigel’s Supermarket on Robb Street around 19:00 hours, and had already entered his vehicle when a man walked up to his vehicle and threw the substance on him.Although momentarily stunned by the attack, Kissoon managed to drive behind the perpetrator who ran north along Light Street then west into North Road before jumping into a waiting white Toyota AT 192 Carina motorcar and escaped.A soiled Kissoon tried to intercept the car, but backed off to avoid a collision.Kaieteur News understands that the police had never given up hope on the case, but were stymied by the previous administration from actively pursuing the matter,Glenn Hall Jersey, given the parties involved.According to a police source,Brandon Saad Jersey, the three are likely to be charged soon, since investigators have already updated the file on the matter.When contacted yesterday, Kissoon related that he received a telephone call from a senior detective who is involved in the case. He said that the official enquired from him if he had given a statement in the matter and he responded in the affirmative.“He asked me where I had given the statement…at which station and to whom,” Kissoon added.At the time Kissoon had no idea that the police had obtained a confession from the men. He was subsequently informed.The popular columnist told this newspaper that the first thing that ran through his mind when he got the news, was that people who had been victims of similar criminal attacks in the Jagdeo era would now get justice.“This county needs to see the process taking place for those who suffered during the Jagdeoite period,” Kissoon stated,Kari Lehtonen Jersey, adding that he welcomes the possible prosecution of the perpetrators, even though it is belated.“People who do wrong things to citizens must pay the penalty,” Kissoon stated.He said that he had always suspected that Hinds, a self-confessed hitman, was somewhat involved,Ryan Nugent-Hopkins Team North America Jersey, since the description he gave of the vehicle that the perpetrators used, fit the car that Hinds owns. However, he believes that the attack “goes way beyond Kwame McCoy, Hinds and Abdulla.”Apart from confessing to the Kissoon attack,Rob Scuderi Jersey, Kaieteur News understands that the men also admitted to attacking former Guyana Power and Light Inc. Finance Director Aeshwar Deonarine in December 2012.Meanwhile,Scott Darling Jersey, the police have secured permission from the court to continue to hold Abdulla for a further 72 hours. Abdulla was first detained on Monday, and his mandatory period of detention would have ended yesterday afternoon.The suspect yesterday complained to his attorney, George Gomes that he was tortured by the police and had suffered a fractured right foot. As a result of the complaint, he was taken to the Georgetown Hospital where he was examined by a doctor who found no evidence of the broken foot.When this newspaper visited the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) yesterday, Abdulla was being escorted out of the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Unit by two detectives.There are reports that he told the medical personnel that he suffered a fractured foot after investigators had beaten him during interrogation. However, after seeing no signs of a fractured limb, he was sent to a private hospital to do an X-ray.Just as he was leaving the hospital, he told reporters that the police put “something” over his head and brutally assaulted him.With his right foot in a bandage, he said, “They beat me bad. They put something over my head and beat me. Not for long though.”Not wanting to take any chances, the doctor at the GPHC referred him to a private hospital for an x-ray, where again no evidence of a fracture was found.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told this newspaper that he is aware of the complaint made by Abdulla, and has advised the suspect to report it to the police’s Office of Professional Responsibility so that an investigation can be carried out.

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