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[香港大學] Lawrence Timmons Steelers Jersey zzrotwlf









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發表於 2017-3-25 00:50:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After an explosive outburst in the courtroom by an irate Donald Clarke, in which the 20-year-old man directed expletives at Principal Magistrate Melissa Robertson-Ogle, he was yesterday sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for stabbing his mother.Clarke, of 2034 Hummingbird Street, Festival City, was charged with felonious wounding when he appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before the Principal Magistrate, who is performing the duties of Chief Magistrate.Clarke unlawfully and maliciously wounded his mother on June 14, and admitted to committing the offence.Police Prosecutor Denise Griffith told the court that on the day in question, at around 06:00hours,USA World Baseball Classic Jerseys, Clarke’s mother was sweeping the kitchen when he picked up a pot that contained drink mix.According to the prosecutor,Brandon Crawford USA Jersey, Clarke’s mother told him that the drink had not been sweetened,Andrew Albers Canada Jersey, and he became annoyed,Gavin Cecchini Italy Jersey, picked up a knife and advanced towards the woman.The woman ran out of the house and managed to make it to the street before Clarke caught her and stabbed her in the abdomen.People from the area went to her rescue and called the Police, who subsequently arrested Clarke.Magistrate Robertson-Ogle asked Clarke if all that the prosecutor said was true,Shane Dawson Canada Jersey, and he replied in the affirmative.When asked why he did what he did, Clarke told the court that he was eating when some rice fell on the floor,Chris Leroux Canada Jersey, and while he was cleaning up he accidentally picked up the knife and stabbed his mother.“De knife accidentally jook her,Silvino Bracho Venezuela Jersey,” Clarke said.The magistrate then asked him if he was cleaning with the knife,Jim Henderson Canada Jersey, and in an angry outburst, he replied: “I didn’t cleaning with no f***in knife.” Clarke repeated those words about three times.He then shouted that he was cleaning, and stabbed his mother because she refused to get out of the way.“I was cleaning the floor and she come in de way and I tell she move…I pull out de knife and jook she because she didn’t want move,Luke Gregerson USA Jersey,” Clarke told the court. The magistrate sentenced him to three years’ imprisonment.The Police left him handcuffed throughout his court appearance. His mother was also present in court yesterday.

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