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Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online after we break up









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發表於 2017-3-25 02:27:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An “obsessed” man, who is alleged to have constantly stalked his ex-lover to the point where he dealt her several slaps across her face and stole her phone – despite several reports to the police – appeared yesterday before  Magistrate Sueanna Lovell.The charge stated that on May 17,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, last, the defendant, Leron Williams of 51 Norton Street, assaulted Samantha Chase with intent to cause actual bodily harm. It was further alleged that on December 17, last, at the aforementioned location,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, Williams stole one cell phone valued $50,000 from Chase.To both charges the defendant pleaded not guilty.He explained to the court that he and the complainant know each other and had an intimate relationship which lasted for seven months. He added that they separated due to a misunderstanding.Williams told the court that the cell phone was never stolen. He said he took her children to a Fast Food restaurant on May 17 and when he returned to the home they shared,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, the woman gave him the phone to use.“Your worship, after we break up,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, she decide that she want back the phone and after she couldn’t get on to me she decide to go to the station and make a report and I don’t know nothing about the assault matter cause I never hit her . I swear. Plus,NFL Jerseys Supply, I never had any problem with the law.”Prosecutor Alexis David- Hossanah told the court that the defendant is in the habit of following the defendant and he is known to the police for several matters in relation to robbery under arms.She said that the complainant was at home and had placed her cell phone down and left that area for a few minutes. The defendant then sneaked in and stole it.  On a separate occasion,NFL Jerseys Outlet, as the defendant was stalking her, he slapped her several times when she was on her way home, the prosecutor stated.Williams was subsequently granted bail to the tune of $75,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale,000 and $25,000, respectively,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, for the simple larceny and assault charges. However Magistrate Lovell made it clear that he was only granted bail on the condition that he stays away from the complainant. If that condition is to be breached, bail will be revoked.The matter was adjourned until June 12.

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