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發表於 2017-3-25 06:10:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A special prosecutor has been appointed for the preliminary inquiry of murder against brothers, Ramnarine  Jagmohan, 28, of Belvedere Squatting Area, Corentyne,  a farmer,Josh Harding Jersey, and Neshan Jagmohan, 23, a cane harvester and a father of four of Hampshire Squatting Area.  The men are accused of murdering businessman Davindra Deodat,Zach Parise Jersey, 34,Jack Johnson Jersey, called ‘Dave’,Kari Lehtonen Jersey, of Hampshire Squatting Area, Corentyne on October 7,  last.Ramnarine Jagmohan and Neshan JagmohanAttorney at law Mursaline Bacchus made his appearance on Tuesday for the prosecution, before Magistrate Rabindranath Singh at the Albion Magistrate’s Court armed with his fiat from the Director of Public Prosecution. The men are being represented by attorney at law Charrandass Persaud who also made an appearance on Tuesday.According to the prosecution the men, while in the company of others, and armed with guns and cutlasses,Brent Seabrook Jersey, murdered Deodat at Hampshire Squatting Area, Corentyne.Deodat, the owner of the Cool Running’s Trucking Service,Rob Scuderi Jersey, was chopped and shot dead at around 18:30 hrs on Monday October 7 after a group of masked men stormed the grocery shop which he and his wife, Mala, 29,Antti Niemi Jersey, operated.The men allegedly chopped Deodat’s wife in the head and shot her father, Rafeek Abdul, 47,Andrew Desjardins Jersey, in the left arm. During the murder robbery two of the three bandits were allegedly unmasked, allowing the victims to see the identity.  The two were allegedly positively identified by the victims.Both men are known to the authorities and according to investigators one of them was released from jail the same day that Doedat was slain. He was reportedly incarcerated for unlawful possession of a firearm.During the robbery the bandits managed to escape with $560,000 in cash, a gold band,Scott Hartnell Jersey, a laptop computer and a cell phone.A post mortem performed on Deodat’s body at the New Amsterdam Hospital gave the cause of death as shock and haemorrhage due to gunshot wounds.Police detective Corporal Thomas swore to the evidence. Detectives are also seeking a third suspect.The matter will continue on December 10.

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