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發表於 2017-3-25 10:32:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yesterday, Cruise Vessel the M.V. Saga Pearl 2 docked at the Guyana National Shipping Corporation Limited. The ship is the first cruise to dock in local waters for the year.Captain of the Saga Pearl 11 and Minister of Tourism Manniram Prashad during a tour of the vessel yesterday. Upon its arrival, the crew and its passengers were given a grand Guyanese welcome with some entertaining steel pan music. The passengers were also given guided tours around the city.During a media briefing, Captain of the vessel, David Warden Owen noted that this was not his first visit to Guyana as he first visited onboard the ‘Spirits’. He noted that more and more Guyana is being recognised and recommended as a tourist destination by cruise liners worldwide. He however noted one of the major concerns by some cruise lines is the issue of deep water harbours. According to Owen,wholesale jerseys, the Saga Pearl started a 77-day tour from Southampton, taking travelers across the Atlantic, touching some 20 Islands in the Caribbean and sailing along the Amazon. Among some of the destinations the cruise covered before arriving in Guyana are; St Lucia, Barbados, Suriname, Grenada and Antigua.  This liner is 164.30 meters long with a GRT of 18591.  The passenger capacity is 446, with 252 crew.Meanwhile, Minister of Trade Tourism and Industry Manniram Prashad who was a part of the welcoming party said he welcomed the visit. The Minister reaffirmed that the visit proves that Guyana is being recognised as a tourist destination. He noted that visits like these will also further put Guyana on the world map, paving the way for a bigger tourism industry. The Minister pointed out that it is during these visits, Guyanese need to sell their own country so as to attract more tourists.The Saga Pearl 11 docked in Guyana waters around 05:00 hours yesterday and left last evening.The vessel was facilitated by the Guyana National Shipping Corporation Limited and Wilderness Explorer. The GNSC has seen an increasing amount of visits by cruise ships over the last three years. Over the years, GNSC has also been providing streamlined procedures of its La Penitence wharf to facilitate the docking and disembarking of passengers in a safe and secure manner.

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