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[香港大學] Taylor Gabriel Falcons Jersey qvaehtz3









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發表於 2017-3-25 11:12:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The prosecution yesterday closed its case after calling its final witness when the Angoy’s AvenueCharles Bristolland dispute murder trial continued yesterday before Justice Franklyn Holder and a mixed jury in the Berbice High Court.On trial for murder is former national volleyball player and popular New Amsterdam businessman,Chris Chelios Red Wings Jersey, Charles Bristol also known as Charles Henry.Bristol, 53,Dale Weise Canadiens Jersey, a remigrant , of Main Street and Lad Lane, New Amsterdam, and owner of the Bristol Mall, is accused of fatally shooting 51-year-old Errol Lindo, on Wednesday, April 16, 2014, at High Dam, Caracas, East Canje,Pavel Datsyuk Red Wings Jersey, Berbice.The final witness on the stand was detective Corporal Dharmendra Inderpaul.  The policeman in his evidence stated that after conducting investigations, he charged Bristol with the capital offence of murder.He said that he did not observe any injuries on Bristol’s body; Bristol never complained that he was injured by Lindo; he (Bristol) never pointed out any axe to him, nor did he (Inderpaul) see any axe.Under cross examination by attorney at law Kim Kyte, the policeman stated that Bristol offered him his car keys, but he did not take it. The car he said was destroyed by fire. There was a large crowd which was very hostile and the police had to shoot in the air to quell what was happening.Inderpaul stated that he was not aware that the car was looted before it was burnt. He was also not aware if Bristol’s workers were beaten. The witness said that he could not remember the names Martin O’Brian or Charles Adonis,Guy Lafleur Canadiens Jersey, and could not recall if statements were taken from Leslie Hughes, O’Brian and Adonis. HeErrol Lindotold the court that the possibility existed that their statements were in the police file. He also testified that he did not look for the axe,Mats Zuccarello Rangers Jersey, and that no axe was handed over to him.When the prosecution closed its case the defence put forward a lengthy no case submission which was led by Attorney Nigel Hughes. Prosecutor Natasha Backer subsequently responded to the defence’s no case submission.Bristol is being represented by Attorneys-at-Law Nigel Hughes and Kim Kyte,Jason Chimera Capitals Jersey, in association with Tanya Warren Clements and Shabana Barnwell.There have been  testimonies so far from Police ballistics expert, Corporal Floyd Hosannah, Travis Crandon,Beau Bennett Penguins Jersey, Rookmin Dindyal,Larry Robinson Canadiens Jersey, Indranie Nandalall called “Meena” (at whose place Bristol sought refuge), Agnes Joseph, Cassandra Arthur, Police Sergeant Curtis Cort and Corporals Brian Caesar,Vincent Lecavalier Lightning Jersey, Phillip Walters and Dharmendra Inderpaul .The cause of death was given as shock and hemorrhage due to gunshot injuries.The matter is expected to continue tomorrow when the judge is expected to make a ruling on the defence’s no case submission.

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