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發表於 2017-3-25 14:46:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Former employees of GNNL who have served the company for more than 25 years are seeing hell to receive their benefits after they come off the job.According to a reliable source, this newspaper understands that the benefits have been reduced and in some cases more than six months after a long-serving worker leaves the job, they begin receiving payments on a monthly basis. This payment is done over a two year period, or longer.  The total in most cases is much less than the actual sum due to the employee.But our source says some persons do get what they actually deserve. These are the persons who are considered “politically correct”. In other words, they are either members of the ruling PPPC party, closely affiliated, or friendly with a party member.“But the ordinary folks like me get less and in pieces,” says our source.Previously,cheap nfl jerseys online, it was the norm for a retiring long service employee to collect his or her benefits in a lump sum, plus a pension from the company. The ex-GNNL workers do not get a pension like before.The source claims that the Workers’ Union Representative is of no use in representing them, and nothing comes of their complaints. The Union itself was not able to do anything, and in one case taken to the Ministry of Labour, the process was long and drawn out.The only alternative is to take the company to court, and a retiree does not have the financial resources to do that.According to our source,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, the method of payment is a new regulation claimed by the company, because they do not have the money to pay in full. Retirees have to go through a ‘royal run-around” before they can even begin to collect their monthly payments.To make matters worse,jerseys nfl wholesale, GNNL is asking some of these very persons to return to work. But while some are willing to do so,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, they are so fed up with the situation and have refused to do so.Meanwhile General Manager of GNNL Mr. Nandkumar Puran has denied that the pension is not being paid. He stated that ex-employees receive all their benefits,Adam Jones USA Jersey, since this is the responsibility of the company.Confirming that a lump sum is no longer paid, Puran stated that beginning from the month following the retiree’s departure from the company,World Baseball Classic Jerseys Outlet, they begin to receive their benefits over a three to six month period.If there are delays,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, according to Puran, this may be caused by the employees having to seek their tax clearance from the Guyana Revenue Authority, indicating that they have no liabilities and owe nothing to the revenue service or to the company.Efforts to contact the GNNL Workers’ Union Representative proved unsuccessful.

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