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發表於 2017-3-25 17:07:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A couple who allegedly forged a will to access property left behind by the woman’s dead father, was yesterday asked to post bail to the tune of $300,000 each,Franklin Morales Team Venezuela Jersey, after they were both slapped with three charges of forging a will and uttering  falsely to persons.Eighteen- year-old Afeena Hussain and her 19-year-old husband,Giancarlo Stanton Team USA Jersey, Ruaz Manjoor, of Lot 45 North East Grove Village, East Bank Demerara, appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine- Beharry who read the charges of forging a will, purported to be from Afzal Hussain and uttering false information to Mohamed Ali and Cyntina Bharrat.The police alleged that between September 3 and September 31,Jordan Romano Team Italy Jersey, the couple went to persons at the Maraj Building where they presented the false will and uttered false information about the document in favour of themselves.According to the police, the virtual complaint,Chris Archer Team USA Jersey, Nazmena Mohamed, was the reputed wife of now deceased Afzal Hussain. In the union, they bore three children including the female defendant in the matter.Mohamed had claimed that before her husband passed he had taken her to his attorney where he drew up his final will and testimony in her presence. She claimed that after continued abuse,Carlos Gonzalez Team Venezuela Jersey, the union between her and the deceased ended.After Hussain’s death, Mohamed claimed that her lawyer proceeded to the Deeds Registry to file the original will Hussain left behind,Silvino Bracho Team Venezuela Jersey, but when the lawyer went to the registry, he was informed that Afeena,Scott Mathieson Team Canada Jersey, Mohamed’s daughter, had already lodged a will at the Probate section of the Deeds Registry purporting to be the last testimony and will of her father.On learning that her daughter had falsely claimed for the property at Lot 64 Belmonte,Ryan Kellogg Team Canada Jersey, Mahaica,Mike DeMark Team Italy Jersey, East Coast Demerara, Mohamed said she made a report to the police.The couple was later arrested and charged for the offence.The duo will reappear in court on February 7.

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